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"You can't run away Harry, Liam will kill you if he found out if you go back to Zayn."

"Then what do I do? I can't be a wild dog not learning what a psycho your alpha is, did you not see what he did if front of the pack!" Harry whispers harshly as Duke looked at him in fear.

"Yes, I know how Liam is and what he did was not the way an alpha should do, but Clayton had no choice he had to go." Duke said as flashbacks of his death came into his head.

"I'm not becoming a wild dog, you're my best mate please Duke help me with this."

Harry begs as he gave Duke a hopeless look as Duke groan sighing as he rubbed his face biting on his finger nail as he gave in not really wanting to go through with it but it was for Harry.


2 months prior.....

Harry sat in his mother's house as she prepared dinner for the pack and her family as she was full of joy once she saw Harry walking in her doors hugging her son who just let her not really wanting to show affections towards her he needed time to get Zayn off his mind and how he'll be a wild dog forever.

"Harry dear, how is training coming along?" Anne asked as Harry shrugged looking out the window as rain poured on the field as wild dogs ran freely others on guard for anything. "Well Liam tells me your ceremony is coming up and I really excited-"

"I don't want to talk about it, its next month and there is no need to rekindle our relationship or even try to talk to me," he said as Anne smile falters. "You never told me after your wedding you decided to get bit and become a wild dog yourself, and tired to get Gemma to join?" He spits out as he grew angry.

"Harry I had the right to become one and Gemma turned down the offer I'm sure she'll become one once she sees you!" Anne spits back growling slightly.

Harry rolled his eyes moving away from his mother. "Honestly Anne, when were you going to tell me? In a year, or when I became one or when you get angry enough to shred me apart?"

Anne growled as she pushed her son to the wall growling in his face as he looked deep into her eyes as he didn't fear her or what she was his mother was gone and replaced by a wild animal inside.

"Anne! Let him go now." Liam spoke as she backs away slowly looking to Harry as hatred filled his face looking at her disgusted.

"Hope you two are happily married, cause thanks to you Liam I no longer have a mother just a wild animal disguised as her." Harry said before rushing out the door and into the rain as the pack looked at him .

Harry noticed as he furrowed angrily. "Pathetic animals." He said to himself knowing well they heard.

Harry walked to the woods as he needed space and air to think why he chose to come back home instead with Zayn, at least he didn't betray him but he hurt Zayn and the look he had in his eyes held more than pain when he last saw him. Harry groan as he looked around the woods wanting to break down a tree or punch one but he's human a weak human.

"Stupid wild dogs, stupid mom and fuck me right? Stupid Harry Styles should have stayed home instead of getting drunk maybe none of this would have happened!" He shouted throwing a rock into the woods as a dog yelped in pain.

Life After Life {Zarry}✔Where stories live. Discover now