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An:Sorry for taking forever to post a steamy scene coming up or maybe let'see ;)

Song: winter by daughter

Zayn looks up to the moon as blood dripped down his mouth and chin to the dirty ground as he tossed the deers body to floor as it laid lifeless as the light of the moon shines down making his skin glow as he closed his eyes and opening it whithn a second to only have them flicker to black and gold till he finally settle on his natural brown eyes.

He felt weight off his shoulders as the blood settle down in his stomach as he looked down to the deer feeling sorry he had to put it in pain when taking its life as he looked over to see a fawn looking at him ,its eyes staring to Zayn as if its asking on why he killed his mother as it started to cry for her ,Zayn frown shaking its head knowing he couldn't let it be on it's own as he quickly picked it up and ran to the city holding the fawn tightly.

"Hey, shh it's okay I got you." He whispered to the fawn as it cried out loudly as Zayn found a wildlife resort for lost and hurt wildlife as he placed the fawn inside the building hoping someone will take care of it.

Zayn looked around his surroundings as he tried to catch Louis and Alisha scent but nothing, he knew they be okay if he couldn't smell death on them. Therefore he sniffed out Harry's scent ,smelling the sweetness of his scent not to far from him as he ran following it to a motel not to far from town.

Zayn mind links Louis as he tells him what floor and room they are in and warning Zayn something was up with Harry ,he smelt desperate for something and was not sure for what.

"I think he's horny for you mate, same scent that women had when they land their eyes on you." Louis chuckles as Zayn enter the room not wanting Harry to hear tur conversation.

"Would you stop, leave him alone he does have needs and so did you once so no need to make fun of Harry." Alisha hissed as she narrowed her eyes to Louis as he rolls his.

"Need to remind you, you were the same with Mr.Serous over here." Louis points to Zayn as Alisha looked embarrassed remembering the memory how he turned her down.

Zayn ignored the two as he moves more into the room to see Harry sleeping under the blanket snoring away as he leans down touching his curls moving them back as Harry moved slightly fluttering his eyes open adjusting to the light as it hit him.

Harry smiled instantly as he saw Zayn face come in focus and moves closer to the man wanting him to sleep with him and they were right, Zayn could smell more than desperation on Harry and more of a sweet scent to his nose rather than a musk.

He loves it.

"You should go wash up that blood, hopefully nobody saw you." Louis informs as he leaves the room and Alisha follows

"Where we going?" She wonders as Louis shakes his head as he can hear dirty thoughts running in Harry's head.

"Zayn is going to make a move and we can't be there,he'll get to possessive with Harry and will kill me and you if in the way." He explained as he goes down the hall and enters to another room.

Zayn saw the last drop of blood flow down the sink as he looked up in the mirror to see his reflection as he see two sides of the man he wants to be and the man he despises completely as he watch his eyes flicker gold and brown letting the sweet smell of Harry take over his animal side trying to stay in self control mode.

"Zayn?" Harry calls out looking for the man he can't get off his mind any longer.

Zayn looked in the mirror one last time before slowly walking to the doorway looking to the bed as Harry was already looking in his direction shirtless waiting for Zayn touch and maybe even more than just a simple kiss.

"Zayn I need-" Zayn quickly moves to the bed on top of Harry as he looked down into his green eyes "you." He whispered softly.

Zayn can feel Harry's warm breath on his lips so eager to kiss them already but he need to self control if he wanted to show Harry he can be protective and slow with him not wanting dark spots to form on his white flesh he loves so much.

"I need you to understand this," Zayn spoke. "If I hurt you in any way or you feel the slightest pinch of pain tell me to stop or even push me away cause I don't want to hurt you, do you understand?" Zayn question as Harry nods placing his head on Zayn.

"You won't hurt me, I trust you."

Zayn nods as he slowly laid Harry down onto the bed still looking into each other's eyes as they lean in and finally placed their lips on one another and felt fire run through their bodies. The touch of Zayn could hands on Harry's warm waist sent chills down Harry's spine as he loved the feeling running through his body that ached for his touch.

"Zayn," he moans as Zayn pulled away from his lips and onto his neck feeling his fangs grazed the sensitive skin on his neck.

Zayn felt something against his hips knowing he made Harry hard as he was rising as well as Harry moved his hips up wanting to feel everything.

Zayn sucked Harry's neck making sure to leave hickeys all over his body showing anyone he belongs to him and only him ,Zayn has a thing of getting possessive over anyone who he cares and loves for. Harry is one of them and by God he will kill anyone in his way just to make sure his friends and Harry were safe.

Soon something snapped in Zayn mind as he couldn't handle the teasingly hand that groped his area as he grabbed Harry's hands pinning them up as a smirk appeared on his lips knowing he had him wrapped around his fingers.

Zayn groan trying to hold back but Harry was so beautiful he couldn't help it and ripped off Harry's pants and boxers as Harry let out a gasp when the cold hand touched his member finally feeling something he always wanted.

The sound of moans and grunts was all that was heard as the bed headboard hits the wall as Zayn try to control himself as adrenaline ran through him ,the animal coming out as he grips Harry's waist so tight he can crush it till Harry cried for him to stop.

Zayn shakes his head blinking as he looked down to see Harry crying "what?"

"Your hurting me, it hurts now." Harry sniffled as his hand rubs his soar area making Zayn move quickly as Harry covered his naked body.

"I'm sorry, I'm so sorry Harry, I don't know what came over me it's to much its never happened before." He tried to explain pacing back and forth of the room.

Zayn felt guilt, pain in his chest as he saw Harry hide behind the blanket like a scared child hiding from the monster in front of him. Zayn eyes closed rubbing his eyes trying to find a way to approach him without causing fear.

"Harry I-"

"I hate you, you promise not to hurt me and look what you did, I can't be here Zayn." Harry cuts off as he stared at the death eater.

"Please baby,give me a chance I can't control what comes from within me you know that." He grits as he falls to his knees as he crawled to his side.

Zayn gripped the blanket peeling it back a little to see Harry's hips red and slowly bruising as he placed his cold lips to the soar area as a hiss emerged from Harry's lips letting his eyes close as sleep suddenly took over his body making Zayn look to see him in a deep slumber.

He got up covering his body as he looked out the window to see the sun in the horizon slowly rising from the far. He grip his hair tugging it lightly as he felt the guilt once more and how he wanted to make it up to his mate.



An: okay not steamy or even sexy but hey I gave a little tease but somehow I wanted drama cause Project Escape didn't have much drama between the two.

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