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“I love you.”

“And I love you.”

Harry smiled kissing Zayn on his lips feeling the coldness right away tingle as they deepen the kiss more. Harry pulled away make Zayn confused as his brows furrow inward looking into Harry's eye's.

“What's wrong?” he asked moving his curls of of his face. “Sorrt if I pushed it, didn't mean to.”

“No, its good the kiss was really good.. It's just I can't be with you if I'm stuck as a human and you get to live on.” Harry mumbled the last words.

Zayn picked Harry's head by the chin making him look up at him as Zayn studies his face. He could never make those perfect green eye's go away and turn them into dull one's.

“I can't hurt you, or even change you Harry, I know I promised forever but I just can't, my bite can kill you.”

“But it didn't kill Alisha or Louis, what's so different about me and them?”

“I tried to kill them both, tried, but I didn't know they changed I was young vampire making mistakes okay?  I can't hurt you Harry.” Zayn looked confused and tide between changing him and not.

“Zayn, I love you but I want this.”

“No you don't.”

Harry gasped for air as he quickly sat up looking over to the clock to see it was barely three in the morning as he felt his neck and body to see if he still had a pulse which he did make him let go of the air he was holding in.

“You can't love him, you know?”

Harry jumped as he reached over to turn on the light to see Alisha sitting next to him.

“Zayn can never fall or be in love, it's hard for him since he thinks anyone he cares about dies.”

“I don't love him or like him in anyway, I don't know what made you think that.” Harry said nervously.

Alisha smiled patting his leg. “Your dream said otherwise, never leave it open when a person can easily slip in and mess with it.” she warns.

“Well it's rude of you to enter while at my weakest state,” he said as she shakes her head. “Why are you still here? Thought you were supposed to be gone today.”

Aliaha sighed. “Zayn needs more time and he thinks staying here is helping us with the wild dogs.”

“Why is he so involved with wild dogs? Is he trying to kill them or what?”

Alisha shakes her head, she couldn't tell him, he couldn't be involved with the war that's coming.

“Zayn trusted me not to tell, you can't get involved.”

“To late sister, a wild dog was in my house not even a hour ago and expect me not to get an explanation why that thing was in my house? I have the fucking right to know.” he spits getting of the bed.

“Where are you go-”

“Zayn!” Harry shouts. “Where is Zayn?” he asked Louis who gave him a shrug.

“He's not here, he left to look for something.” Alisha rushed out as Harry turned to her.

Soon the front door opened reveling Zayn, blood splattered across his face as his eye's still black as he closed the door behind him walking to the three as blood trailed behind him.

Life After Life {Zarry}✔Where stories live. Discover now