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"Everyone tells me that I won't find my princess momma." Zayn sniffled as he whips away his tears as his mother coos him.

"And why is that?" She asked looking down to her six year old son.

"Cause they say pretty princesses don't like ugly monsters like me."

"I think your a handsome monster, some girls love monsters you know why?"


"Cause they are more brave than a man on a lame horse, more stronger and powerful they can scare anyone when they just look at them." She smiles as Zayn smiled.

"If I'm a monster, is bubba a monster and your his princess? He protects us right?"

Tricia laughs nodding.

"Oh your bubba loves us so much he scares the man on the horse away to protect us from his bad intentions."

"I would never hurt you momma, alway protect you."

"I know."

Zayn snapped out of his daydream as he wiped the dripping blood of a camel off his mouth as Louis licked his lips as he tossed the dead man aside as he felt full and energized by the warm blood.

The both looked to the sky as the stars shined bright as the cold desert wind blew as their hair moved softly as the scent of the dead human and animal caused a frenzy by wild coyotes and snakes to come.

"What did you think the original will say to us about Harry?" Louis asked licking his lips as he looked out to see the three pyramids out in the far.

"Answers, hopefully why he moved Alisha body and where he could have gone if a Death Walker." Zayn said as he squints his eyes feeling sand blow against his face.

Louis looked out to the pyramids feeling guilty and Zayn could sence it.

"Alisha made her choice, she died to protect me and Harry."

"That's the thing,why jump in front and do nothing? I saw it she could easily killed them but didn't, that's what bothers me." Louis hissed as he looked out into the desert feeling angry.

"Her strategy was to punch through his chest, but she didn't she just let herself die!"

Zayn smell all his emotions at once as Louis tried to calm down and recollect himself as he gripped his hair as tears formed in his eyes sniffling a bit. Zayn place his hand on his shoulder gripping it slightly as Louis turns to hug him tight.

"I was so scared to love her, and I wanted her to be mine but now she belongs to the dirt to rote away."

"She loved you to, even if you two didn't say it she loved you even in death."

"Honestly would you stop barking at every cat we see? I would rather bring James."

"Well sorry mate, I have dog instincts and I really do hate cats especially those." Duke growled at a cat making it hiss back.

"Enough Louis, let Duke do what he wants ,he's actually making us blend more in." Zayn spoke up as he followed the map to the pyramids.

"We would have been there faster if we just used our speed man."

Zayn paused his movements as he can hear whispers of a familiar voice making him look up to see a crowd of people, slowly looking around as he spotted a pair of green eyes.

Life After Life {Zarry}✔Where stories live. Discover now