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AN/ please vote guys!!  I would really really appreciate it if you guys did 😭.

“Kill him or he'll be one of them forever, he's a worthless human Zayn there is nothing you or we can do to save his life.”

Zayn looked down to Harry as he held his wrist as the vemon of a wild dog sweep through his blood slowly changing him as Harry gave Zayn a look of pain but he was so at peace of the elders words.

“It's okay Zayn, I'm not scared anymore, just make it quick.”

Zayn shakes his head. “Please baby, you can be one of us I just can get rid of the change and-”

“Zayn it's to late..look,” Harry showed him his claws and teeth as his eye's change every second. “I'll be okay, I'll still love you no matter what...”


His eye's open quickly jumping at the cold touch of Louis who raised his brow at him curious of him as Harry eyes focused as the sun beem down at him from the window.

“Where- How did I get here?” he asked looking at his surrounding of the small motel room. “And Zayn, where is he?”

“Relax, him and Alisha went to get some food near by, since you know your probably hungry from the two day drive.” he said lighting up a cigarette.

“Two days?” he asked in shook as Louis nods blowing the smoke up.

“Yeah, Alisha thought you died somehow and I volunteer to drink you dry but Zayn threw me out of the car, but luckily your alive.” he said smiling as he flick the ask to the dirty carpet.

Harry rolled his eyes as he looked outside seeing the motel empty lot and Zayn car in the center as he looked more around to see wood nailed to windows and doors.

“Is this motel abandon?”

Louis paused mid-smoke as he thought for a few seconds before nodding. “Yup, since 2008, long time I know, Zayn requested we stay here for a bit and knew where all the shit was, surprised the water still runs after you get pass the piss looking water that comes out first.” Harry cringe at the description.

Soon Alisha and Zayn came in with bags as they uncovered themselves from the black blankets on their body. “Afternoon Mr.Styles, how's the couch? Rusty like every piece of shit in here.” Alisha grits her eye's turning black as Zayn step forward.

“Tonight you'll hunt with Louis, so don't get angry at him.” Zayn hissed lowering his voice as Alisha backs away.

Harry looked at Louis who shrugged following Alisha to the kitchen putting the food away as Zayn handed Harry a bag of new clothes and telling him to shower and change cause tonight they're leaving after a hunt.

“Where are we?” Harry asked as he looked at the clothes.

“A motel?  Didn't Louis explain.”

“I mean where in England are we in?” Harry huffed picking an outfit.

“Actually we're in Las Vegas, didn't Louis tell you?  I told him to.” Harry eyes went wide.

“How is that possible in two days?”

“Two?  Harry it's been a week since we left England you fell asleep for a week we thought you died or got bitten by a wild dog but you don't smell wet.” Zayn explained as Harry was still in shock that he slept for a week and woke us in Las Vegas.

Harry shakes his head getting up off the couch to quick to only fall on his knees as his head was spinning making him groan once Zayn settle him up on the bed.

Life After Life {Zarry}✔Where stories live. Discover now