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AN/ look how cute Zarry is!!  I cry, I cry in different languages!!

Harry sat in his bed looking up at the ceiling as he thought about seeing his father and how he changed his last name to Jefferson so he can start fresh? 

Why couldn't he start fresh?

Harry rolls his eye's not wanting to think about his father anymore and started thinking about Zayn and how he came to his rescue from the death eaters and took him to the hospital throughout the time he got hurt and protected him even when he said he didn't want or need it.

He could see Zayn emotion easily but it got harder as he tried to ignore him and he knew he was hurt when he told him to leave but he truly wanted him to stay and for the love of God kiss him!  He wanted to feel those cold lips on his wanting the feeling badly he let out a moan making him clap his mouth shut.

“Shit, shit, oh God why!” he whispered to himself as he heard foot steps close to his door.

Lifting the blanket over his head and pretend to sleep having both eye's closed as he heard the door open and close as the sound of heavy boots click against the tile floor making his heart beat quick to scared to look at the person.

“I know your awake,” he felt his breathe hit the nap of his neck making his hair stand up. “Scoot over.”

Harry hesitated for a few seconds before moving over as he felt the bed dip and weight on the back of him as he felt a cold hand touch his warm skin making him hum in delight.

“Turn around.” he hears him say.

Turning over he looked up to see Zayn brown eye's staring into his as the moon shined right on his face making him smile as he tried to move his hurt hand so he could be comfortable and sleep for once feeling tired in the past few week's.

“Why did your dad abuse you? ” Zayn asked suddenly making Harry look away.

Harry didn't say a word for a few minutes making Zayn regret it for asking such a question like that.

“Honestly,” Harry begin. “I have no clue why he did it but it started when I turned four and he would get so drunk he would forget about me and my sister and started hitting my mom, by the time I turned seven he notice me and pushed me around, I thought he was playing till he actually hurt me.” Harry's voice cracked as tears flooded his vision.

“It's okay, you can stop.” Zayn said pulling Harry close to his body. “I didn't mean to ask.”

“It's okay, I just thought I should tell you why I hate him.” his voice so quite as he drifted to sleep and tried to keep his eyes open.

“Go to sleep, I'll be here in the morning, promise.” he said as Harry nodded closing his eyes and instantly fell asleep.

Zayn heard snors come out of Harry mouth as he watched him closely to see some scratches and bruises fading away already others healed. Zayn looked at Harry loving how he looked asleep like he was in peace and had no worries in the world oh how he wished he see those green eye's light up in the sun or how they change dark green when he's sad and angry, he didn't like him like that but they were still beautiful.

Harry made a whine sound as he moved his injured arm to his side as Zayn lifted it up carefully to place a pillow under it.

“What is he dreaming about?” he asked knowing Alisha was behind him as she looked over to Harry.

Life After Life {Zarry}✔Where stories live. Discover now