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Louis looked into Harry's dark eyes as he blocked off the door with a help of Duke pushing him back and Zayn tugging his arms as they began to hiss and growl at each other.

"Liam is hear, he'll kill everyone if I don't stop him, let me go!" Harry lashed out scrapping his claws against Zayn arms.

Zayn groan at the pain but healed instantly as Harry kept repeating his actions till everyone froze in their spot as Liam howled making them all rush to the broken window to see wild dogs running out in the fields as they enter their home.

Everyone could hear the chaos outside the room as they can hear James shouting and the sound of the arched doors being opened as the growls and screams of everyone fighting began.

"Harry we can't let you leave this room, its dangerous mate and we don't want you to die." Duke said placing his hand on Harry's shoulder as he shrugged it off.

"And what about you? I won't let any of my friends sacrifice themselves anymore, I won't, Alisha wouldn't want us to hide in fear she would have found a way to fight back."

Harry looked out the window to see her grave sight, he missed her and he could tell Zayn and Louis did to but would never admit it to one another. Harry can hear the screaming getting louder by the second as he can see through Liams eyes as death eaters are falling to the wild dogs, weak and injured even dead.

"Harry, you okay?" Louis asked as he stepped closer to him.

Harry turned around as his eyes black and skin pale grey as his teeth are shown and claws ready to tear into flesh as he pushed Louis out the way breaking the door down and jump off the stairs case and straight to the floor landing softly without a scratch as Zayn, Duke and Louis followed him in pursuit as Duke shifted along.

Harry pushed the doors open that leads to the battle to only see blood and death as like James shower hom making his shake his head as everything he saw felt real.

"Where is Liam!" He shouts so loud the floor shook making everyone stop what they were doing. "Where is that bastard, your alpha?" He growled at a wild dog.

The wild dog growled back but knowing well not to mess with Harry's kind as he back up pointing to the big wolf who had blood all over his muzzle and a head in mouth making Zayn fall to his knees to see James head apart from his body.

"You son of a bitch!" Zayn hissed as he rushed to him to only have Louis hold him back ,wild dogs ready to protect their alpha. "Fuck you, you hear me you fucking monster? Fuck you!" He spits as Louis held onto the man.

Harry looked closely to see it was James making the hatred grow even more.

Liam dropped James head to the ground letting it roll off to the side as Harry lowered himself to be level with Liam as they both growled at one another.

"Ashame you choose them over me, Harry, you and I could have taken over the world."

"I would never betray my family." He growls as Liam buffed up his chest.

"Family? You hate your father and mother, your sister left you to stay abused by your dad, you think they are the same?"

Harry looked back to Zayn and Louis then he moved his head to look around the room full of death walkers as Duke stood amongst the crowd as he looked to Liam's pack with misunderstandings and the look of hoping not fighting with Harry and the others but of course have no choice to.

"They might not look like much but at least they think of other before sending them off to war."  Harry grits lunging forward as his claws dig into Liams side.

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