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TIME: 2:46 PM ,February 12, 2023

LOCATION: Anna and Liams home.

Harry sat in the back of the event of his mother's seventh year anniversary chugging all the alcohol he can get his hands on really wanting time to pass on quickly and just to forget about his day.

Gemma spotter her young brother and sat next to him smiling widely. “Glad you can make it, mom's happy your here.” she said as he rolls his eye's.

“Yeah, Liam looks thrilled as well that I even bothered to show up.” he said sarcastic as he opened up another beer.

Gemma frowned at his behavior not knowing what else to say to him. She notice Harry always had this weird vibe around him when he's around his family and is always alert on everything that goes on around him she worried but she knew Harry wouldn't say a word.

“What happened to you hand?” she asked noticing the wrapped hand that Harry had on for almost three weeks already.

“Work, um I dropped something on my hand and got swollen.” he lied as he hissed trying to flex it.

She nodded no longer wanting to ask him any questions as she notice Harry glaring at Liam as he glared back. Liam hated Harry, she knew that but she understands where Harry was coming from just could relate in any way, she wanted her mom to be happy and so does Harry but not with him.

“He's a nice guy, just give him a chance.” she said looking back to Harry.

He scoffed. “As if, he's an asshole who made a scene at grandma's funeral trying to make it about himself, he's probably planning to kill me any day now.”

The night was still going as Harry sat in the back still drinking and talking once in a while to Gemma and to some cousin's as they said their hello's and goodbye's he didn't mind them as long they didn't talk about Liam or his mother.

The sound of glass clinged in the air as Liam and his mother are about to make a tost to each other telling one another how they'll love each other no matter what and some other bullshit Harry didn't want to hear about it.

He got up grabbing his coat and exit the back door as his mother watched him leave with a frown but replaced it with a fake smile as she looked at her family.

Harry tossed his beer to the floor as he check the time seeing it was pass curfew but he didn't care at all he just wanted sleep.

Harry walked home as he started to think about things just random things like his first pet and his favorite color and how he wanted to start collage again but he didn't know if he qualified for it seeing he's much older and needed to pay out of his pocket. He looked up into the sky seeing the small dipper and the big dipper, he smiled remembering how him and his stepfather use to watch the stars and help him find the shapes.

“How can I tell what's what?” a twelve year old Harry asked as the man points to the sky.

“It's easy, see that right there?  It's the big dipper, you can tell by the way it faces us.” he explain.

“What about the small one?”

“Oh that's tricky I always get it confused but if you blink five times away from the big dipper you can make it out.” he said as Harry blinks and smiling as he found it.

“Hey dad I found it!”

“What did you say?” Harry's stepfather asked in shocked.

“Dad?”Harry said scared not sure if he was okay with that. “I'm sorry should I have called you by your name?” Harry was scared that he could have hit him.

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