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Zayn walked the long halls as Harry followed as Louis and Alisha walked beside him making him think something was going to happen and it was not going to be good.

Zayn paused his movements as he turned revealing his eyes pitch black as he looked to Harry and Alisha.

"You two wait here, need Louis to see what their strategy is and if needed please take him far away from here,I don't want you two in this mess," he said then looking to Louis. "Same goes for you, when I say run that's what you all do." He stated.

He turned around to open a arched doors entering as he sees his creator and the three elders besides him as well as they all sat side by side. Turning to his side he could see wild dogs sitting others standing on guard for their alpha making Zayn hiss lowly.

"My boy, my have you changed in such good ways still young and yet still on guard," he spoke as everyone listened. "No need for your dark eyes Zayn, they are not here to harm us they just want the boy." His creator said looking to the wild dogs.

"Yes we just want Harry," Liam spoke up. "I'm sure the war will never start between us if you just hand him to us."

Zayn squinted his eyes as Liam just smiled as if he could get whatever he wanted.

"And what if I choose not to hand him over? He sure doesn't like your kind especially you as the stepfather of him, why want him now?" Louis spoke as the elders looked to the alpha.

"You never told the elders what he is have you?" Louis pushed as Liam growled.

"What is Louis speaking of?" A elder spoke up as curiosity got to her. "Why want a human?"

"He's not just human, Harry is a shifter of night aways sleeping during the days for weeks and walks the nights when the moon is high." Louis said as the elders perk at the shifter part now wanting Harry.

The elders talked amongst themselves as they disagreed and agreed with things making Zayn nervous as they would yell or hiss. Once they made a reason they looked to Liam as he stood quite waiting for a answer.

"Let the boy choose who he wants to be ,by law he has the right to do so especially a shifter, if he picks either no war will start." Another elder spoke as Liam nods.

"Bring Harry." Zayn said to Alisha.

Alisha looked to Harry smiling slightly as she pushed the door open as her eyes went black right away at the sight of the dog's as Harry head was down not knowing what to do as he stood next to Zayn quickly.

"Harry," Liam called out making Harry look up quickly at the sound of his voice making him confused why his step father was here. "I see your confused, but don't worry we'll catch up once you join my pack."

"Your a wild dog?"

"Yes, and I knew you were a shifter seeing why you've been so angry and distressed from everything, shifter are very temper when it comes to death and hatred." He spoke as Harry looked over to Zayn who looked hurt in a way.

The elders looked to Harry seeing why Zayn was so protective over him especially secretive with his creator when he first met him.

"Harry, my young man you are the reason this war will end you can pick a side to join," a elder said as her bright red eyes shined so bright like a pool of blood filled them and her skin looked so soft like someone had edited her to be picture perfect. "Either way a war won't start if you chose a wild dog or death eater so feel what right by boy." She spoke so sweet making Harry nod.

Harry felt not pressured but reassured by the choice he had to make as he looked over the the pack of dogs and to the death eaters as Zayn finally looked at him with his brown eyes hoping he made the choice he wanted him to do.

Life After Life {Zarry}✔Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon