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An: this is what Harry looks like when transformed cause of his genetic.

He ran away, so far away from society as he felt his mind was about to explode as he felt the moon come closer to the sky as his heart beats quickly.

He screamed and let out his anger by breaking dead logs on the forest floor as he can hear the sound of keys jingling and guns clicking making him turn to see Chinese military on him as he let out a low growl as drool dripped down his lips.

He began to run again as the shouts of the military called out his location as he speeds up hearing the sound of a jeep coming his way as he turned to see the two head lights and ran for them jumping on the hood as he looked up to show his black eyes and sharp wild dog/death eater teeth as he clenched his fist smashing it into the windshield.

The man screamed reaching for his gun but it was to late since his throat was slashed off as he turned to the passenger pulling him out and tossing him who knows where. Jumping off and landing with a soft thud he ran again as more military kept shooting at him making the man angry.

He looked to the sky to see the bright full moon as his eyes dilated as the shift began making him fall to the ground as his claws began to form as his teeth became sharp and his body physically changing as he grew taller more muscular his skin turning pitch black as he let out a howl but also a scream as the moon had him under its control making the animal inside him come out to play.

"Harry it's okay, I'm here baby."

He let out a growl as the sound of Zayn appeared in his head as he let a whimper as the voice seemed to soothed the creature before a gun shot was heard making the animal snap him out as he turned to see a good amount of men in front of him.

"Fàngxià nǐ de xīgài!"
(Get down on your knees) the men shouts as another man shot making the animal attack.

The dark animal ran on all fours taking each man down as he tossed them across the woods or ripped their insides out.

"Harry, he's confused on what he is.."

The sound of Dukes voice came to his head as the animal let out a whimper as he hears another voice in his head.

"But why move Alisha body to his grave? That monster you keep calling him wouldn't do that unless it remembered her maybe even us the slightest chance he does have his memory."

Louis voice was curious as he remembered when he watched all of them in the library as he hides in the shadow's of the room remembering who they were and what good they did for him.

"Zuìhòu shēngwēn.. Lìjí guì xià!" (Last warning get on your knees now!)

He turned to the man as he got on his two feet walking up to him as he stood still shaking in front of him as he threw the gun to the side pushing the man as he let out a shout/growl as drool went everywhere as his black eyes soon turn red as the feeling in his body went numb making him look up to see her standing by his side as her eyes no longer red but brown and had a flesh tone to her.


"I can hear your thoughts, don't worry no need to run," he looked at the figures it began to fade in thin air.

"you're safe now."

Warning: you will be arrested if trespassing on private property, the pyramid is a hazardous building, please dont enter.

Everyone read as they pass the sign ignoring it as Louis touched it making the worn out sign fall to the sand as he shrugged moving forward.

"You see how tourist love the three pyramids but we tell them not to enter due to structural damage but of course we said some got smashed by a boulder so they stayed out, only we can enter to make sure the thing we have is even dead." The guide said as he held a torch facing the death eaters.

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