20. Alcoholics Anonymous

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As I sat on the chair in the dinning room, my hair complete mess, my legs shaking from the left over addrennaline, and slippery thighs from Mads's seed leaking out of me. My eyes watered as I cried from the pain of having my hand thoroughly wrapped up again.

My eyes were set on Mads's injury. His hand had caught his fall similar to mine only he got shardes of glass stuck in his hand. He refused to be treated by the twins until he wrapped up my sprained - and probably now broken - wrist.

"Can you please let them take the glass out now," I plead as Mads ended the wrapping of my hand, wrist and half of my forearm.

Christopher looked nervous as he hesitantly walked towards Mads. He was probably anticipating a black eye if he messed up his hand.

Christopher took my seat in front of Mads and removed the bloodied cloth from his hand. Mads let his hand lay on a towel on the dinning table for Christopher to work on.

Christopher shakily picked up the tweezers.

"What the fucks the matter with you? You're shaking like you're about to preform surgery for the first time. Its fucking glass not a sword," Mads scoffs.

Christopher looks over at Reed who shakes his head. They both were scared.

Christopher begins to pull out a shard of glass but due to his shaking ends up pushing the glass in more and at an angle.

Mads grabs Christopher's wrist harshly away from his hand and almost pushes Christopher from his chair.

"Okay! I'll do it," I announce.

Reed raises his eyebrows as does a few of the other family members. Skeptical that clumsy Allison could do something this delicate.

I take Christopher's seat.

"You have to wash it before to get a look at the pieces," I say. "There should be a bottle of saline solution upstairs in our bathroom," I tell Christopher who is off in a sprint.

As Christopher leaves I hear Kristi chuckle. For the past few minutes she had been pacing due to stressing over the damage we had made in the guest bathroom.

"She's so clumsy, having to had repair her own injuries for so long she's a know-it-all," Kristi jokes. She continues to pace. She sounds a little loopy but luckily not drunk.

I shake my head. "My dad liked throwing glasses at me, actually," I explain.

The laughter is exchanged for complete silence. I can tell Mads is now tense, his muscles pulsating with anger as it began to course through him.

"I actually watched videos online about stitching up wounds and got pretty good at it. When Josh broke things he liked to use the glass to carve into my thighs. If I didn't stitch them up there would probably be scars and I would have lost more blood," I explain further.

Stop talking! No one wants to hear your shit!

"I hope the devil does worse to him in hell," Kristi says with her nostrils flaring. It was funny how whenever she was angry or frustrated that she resembled Mads. Vicinity must have had thay trait too.

Christopher returns with the saline solution allowing me to wash the blood off his hand. I get familiar with the glass shardes and begin picking them out carefully with the tweezers.

Mads sighs in relief as he now realizes I am indeed good at this. I take the glass shards out one by one even the tiny specs that can easily be missed. After rinsing his hand in the solution again I apply anti-biotics and then wrap his hands carefully. The entire time he was relaxed, no pain. He kept his eyes on my face the entire time, not my hands but instead my eyes.

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