God, show me what love feels like I've never felt it

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Chapel fools gold

God, show me what love feels like
I've never felt it

//use of F slur//

I was woken up by falling on the floor. Jack must have forgot we was sharing a bed because theirs no way he would shove me on the floor on purpose, even now when I decided he's my friend I will still punch him if he purposely threw me off his bed.

"Jack!" I hiss ripping the bed covers off him.

"What?" He yawned sitting up and rubbing his eyes before noticing me on the floor, "Why are you down there?"

"You shoved me off."

"Sorry kitten." He yawned, "Come back to bed we don't have to get up for another hour."

"You make it sound as if we are sleeping together." I laugh climbing in next to Jack anyway and giving him back his bedcovers that he quickly wraps us both in.

"I would totally be down to sleep with you."

"Same." I smile back knowing Jack was joking, "You look cold."

"I am cold."

"You're always cold."

"Get closer to me you're warm." Jack snuggled up to me and wrapped his arms around me, he must be really tired because he wouldn't do this any other way.

"What are you doing?"



"You love it." He laughed, "Admit it."

"Only a little." I admit having nothing to loose or gain from it, okay maybe I somewhat like human contact every now and again but everyone does, "I wasn't hugged enough as a child so now I'm scared of all physical and emotional contact with other humans."

"I'll give you enough hugs to make up for it."

"How tired are you?" I ask, nobody in their right mind would ever say anything like that to me as a joke or otherwise, my friends definitely wouldn't, Jack is different to them though, he does what he wants and forced his way into my life.

"I'm wide awake. I just like to be in your presence." Jack puts his head on my chest, "Want cold pizza for breakfast?"

"Nobody's ever said that before."

"Offered you cold pizza for breakfast?" Jack scrunched his face up in confusion, he's definitely half asleep right now.

"No said they liked to be in my presence."

"Oh." Jack said probably not realising how much his words affected me, "You're cool to be around and you're warm."

"That's the nicest thing anyone's ever said to me. Well one of the only nice things that's been said to or about me in a long time."

"Well I'm going to confront Zack and Rian about giving you more complements because you deserve them." I look down at Jack's messed up hair sleepy eyes, he claims he's wide awake but he's hardly able to keep his eyes open, "Haven't you even been called hot recently."

"Why would I be?" I ask.

"Because you're hot." Jack laughed, "Have you not looked in the mirror?"

"You're hot as well."

"You're meant to accept the complement not complement me back." Jack ends up sitting up and squinting at his reflection in the mirror next to his bed, "And I don't see why you think I'm hot this early in the morning. Maybe once I'm awake and sorted out my hair."

So darling, just you shut your pretty mouth [jalex]Where stories live. Discover now