I hide behind these words But I'm coming out

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Fall out boy it's not a side effect of the cocaine, I am thinking it must be love

I hide behind these words
But I'm coming out

Durning geography on Monday our group was split in two. Miss Becket wanted us to work with other people than who we usually do so she put us in groups of four. Rian and Jack where put together with two girls and I was with Zack. Josh and Max where put with us, probably because they are two of the few people who I haven't had a fight with. They still didn't seem too happy about it, I don't blame them.

"Alex stop glaring." Zack hit my arm, "They've done nothing Becket is who to blame."

"I'm not doing it."

"You don't even know what it is yet." Zack laughed as Josh and Max sat down near us.

"Well I don't want to." I shrug, I just want to be sitting with Jack secretly holding his hand under the desk.

"Isn't Taylor so hot?" Zack asked, it wasn't just to me it was to Josh and Max as well, he was probably trying to reduce the tension in the group.

"One of my friends used to date her and I was jealous the whole time." Max said.

"I'm extremely fucking gay Zack so now I don't think she's hot." Josh opened his mouth as if he was about to say something but then changed his mind, "You can tell people I don't care. If I cared I wouldn't have said that in front of you."

"Come on Alex you scared them into silence."

"If you have something to say then say it." I tap the desk impatiently, "I don't beat up everyone who talks to me just ones who piss me off."

"I just didn't see you as being gay." Josh said, "I mean I don't know you but from what I do know of you and seen of you you don't seem gay. Please don't hit me."

I start laughing at Josh. I told him I don't hit people unless they piss me off and he still added the comment asking me to not hit him. It's pretty funny that people are that scared of me.

"What's funny?" Max asked.

"Don't worry." I shrug, "And I'm serious about you telling people I'm gay. I would do it myself but I really can't be bothered. So here I am telling you to tell your friends I'm gay and that I said it in the middle of geography."

"Okay." Josh muttered.

"Alex you are fucking crazy." Zack smiled at me before leaning in and whispering in my ear, "Me and Rian know you and Jack are together and was lying to us."

"Wasn't lying." I mutter back under my breath so Josh and Max couldn't hear, "We only got together Saturday."

"Tell me about it at break."


At break I managed to drag Zack and Rian outside to talk. Jack was fine with coming outside wit me it's just Zack and Rian wanted to stay in the warm. I wanted to talk to them in private and let people talk about me without being scared I'm going to overhear and punch them. That's why I made a big deal about going outside.

"Since you dragged me outside you can stop lying to me about your relationship." Rian said.

"What do you mean?" Jack asked.

"You're together."

"Well yes." I shrug deciding against taking off my jacket, Jack don't seem cold and it would just be a hassle to put it back on before I go inside.

"So you did lie to us!" Rian exclaimed, "I knew it."

"We've only been together since Saturday." Jack laughed, "We didn't lie at all we just decided to let you guys figure it out."

"Alex told me in geography when I questioned him." Zack said, "Honesty Alex you are fucking crazy sometimes."

"I want people to know I'm gay."

"By PE everyone's going to know." Jack shrugged, "I could tweet it if you like."

"Do that."

"What should I say?" Jack asked getting out his phone.

"Say Alex said he wants it to go on record that he's hella fucking gay." I look over Jacks shoulder as he types, "That's perfect."

"Want to do the honours of pressing send?" Jack asked.

"I would love to." I press send on the tweet, "I would say no going back now but their was no going back once I told Josh and Max."

"You two are actually the cutest sometimes." Zack said."

"When are you telling the school?" Rian asked, "I mean with you coming out as gay and people suspecting Jack is gay people are going to assume you're fucking. I mean some people already do."

"We are probably just going to let them figure it out if things don't change too much. If they change a lot we are gonna hide the fuck out of it most likely.

"They won't and if anything you would be saving the other gay kids a world of bullying." Zack said, "Everyone's terrified of you Alex. I don't understand why you want them to be but they are and they are going to continue to be unless you give them reason not to be."

"If people are scared of me then they can't hurt me." I shrug not wanting to go too deep into details, "Break is over soon we should go."

"People have liked the tweet." Jack said as we walked inside, "Let's see if anything has changed."

As the four of us walked down the corridor their was more whispers than usual, I'm not sure if their really was more or I'm imagining it because I'm nervous but it felt like it. When we was waiting outside history someone came up to me.

"My friends make me come here because I lost a bet." The girl muttered, she looks over her should at a group of five guys and two girls standing there, "They want to know if you really are gay."

"Do you have a problem with it?" I snap hoping to scare her off.

"No. Not at all." She stuttered, "My brother is gay. I was just forced to come over here and ask."

"Well I am and you can go tell your friends that."

"Okay." She basically sprinted away.

I give Jack a look, I know it's only one person but they still seemed to be scared of me.

Authors note

I'm writing this note the night before because I want to post soon as I wake up. Wattpad was down for hours yesterday and it proper pissed me off.

Anyway comment. Do you think everything's going to be okay?

Hugs, kisses and peace ✌🏻

So darling, just you shut your pretty mouth [jalex]Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora