Twenty four

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"Hey there, lovebirds!" Lena says with a roguish tone when Shawn and I enter to the apartment.

"Hey, Lena" we say in unison then look funny at each other and laugh.

"Ew, you're so cute it makes me feel sick" she rolls her eyes "Anyways, how was your weekend?" She smirks.

"Lena!" I yell uncomfortable, knowing what she meant.

"What? I'm just asking how did you guys do, not what did you do" she smirks once again. I blush and Shawn laughs.

"It was relaxing, thank you" Shawn says this time.

"And nothing happened" I emphasises 'nothing'.

"You're so boring" she sigh.

"Shut up" I yell and I bet I looked as red as a tomato.

"Where are the twins?" Shawn asks anxiously. He didn't stop talking about how much he missed them all the way back here.

"Watching a movie in their room, I bet they haven't heard you, otherwise they'd be hugging the shit out of you" she points at Shawn and we laugh.

"Let's go" I say to Shawn. He holds my hand, even though there is absolutely no need to, and we walk together to the twins room.

"Mummy! Daddy!" They squeal at the same time and run to hug us.

"Hey, guys. Did you have fun with auntie Lena?" Shawn asks as he hunkers down.

"It was cool at first, then she had to cook and everything went wrong" Dylan says.

"That's not true!" Lena interrupts us, entering to the room.

"Yes, it was" Kailani supports her brother.

"I believe them" I whisper to Shawn and I feel Lena slapping the back of my head "Ouch! Idiot" I whisper the last word. I turn, with the intention of hitting her back but Shawn stopped me.

"No no, remember you're a good girl" he says as he pushes me to the other side of the room.

"I'll leave you guys alone" Lena laughs and walks out. Finally.

"Apart from the food, did you have a good time?" Shawn asks funny and my kids nod.

"Yeah, but we missed you" Kailani says and hugs Shawn's thigh since it was the highest she could reach of his body.

"I missed you too, baby" he says caressing her hair.

We spent the rest of the afternoon playing with them until they finally fell asleep.

When Shawn said it was time for him to leave, I walked to the door with him.

"I'll call you tomorrow, okay?" He says caressing my hand. I nod.

"Let me know when you get home" I look at his eyes and now it was his turn to nod. I wrap my arms around his neck and hug him tight "Thank you for this weekend, I had a great time" I caress the little curls at the end of his hair.

"I'd do anything for you" his voice sounds nostalgic and he hugs me even tighter. I kiss his cheek and then his lips.

"Good night, baby" I say pulling away from our hug.

"Bye, love" he smiles at me and then walks away.


"Are you guys going out?" Lena asks while I was finishing straightening my hair.

"No, I'm only getting ready to watch movies in the living room with Shawn" I say sarcastically.

"Sorry for being interested in your life" she says with the same tone I used with her and I laugh.

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