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Where's Cameron now?
I didn't know you wanted to know about him, though. He went back to Germany to work, he's fine.

Where are Kaylee's parents?
They are now retired. They went to live to the beach in front of the Caribbean ocean to spend time with each other, though every holidays they go back to Toronto to visit Kaylee, Shawn and their grandkids.

Has Shawn wrote any songs about Kaylee? Which ones?
- Kid In Love
- Strings
- Crazy
- There's Nothing Holding Me Back
- Treat You Better
- Lights On
- Roses
Shawn Mendes:
- Fallin' All In You
- Nervous
- Like To Be You
- Particular Taste
- Why
- Mutual
- When You're Ready

*In this story he didn't write the songs in that order, he wrote them when he felt like it (for example 'Mutual' was written when he didn't know if Kaylee liked him back wen they were teenagers) I'm just naming the ones he wrote from every album, does that even make sense?

What quote or lyrics would Shawn dedicate to Kaylee and viceversa?
Kaylee for Shawn: "I love you for your personality, but that dick sure is a bonus." No, I'm just kidding.

"His arms are strong enough to hold every fear, every beautiful broken piece of me. This man doesn't just make me feel complete, he completes me."
    - S. Marie

Shawn for Kaylee:
"I look at you and I'm home. I see nothing worse than to be without you because with you my soul feels complete, you are the other half of me and I love you. You are my home, no matter where that is."
    - Unknown

Was it hard to write the ending?
Not really. From the beginning I knew how I wanted the story to end so the whole story is adapted to the end actually. I had an idea of how I wanted it to end but I had a bit of struggle when it came to put the ideas into words, you know? Like I thought of the situation but not exactly of the dialogues so I was like 'Oh, what is he going to tell her so this can happen the way I want it and how is she going to reply?' and stuff, but in general no, it wasn't difficult.

How did you come up with the plot of the story?
It started as an imagine on my fan account on Instagram (you can't find it now because I deleted it at the moment I started to write the fanfic.) Like a year and a half ago I read an imagine that had kind of the same plot and I wanted to write my own (this was not copied, there are a lot of stories with the same plot, so don't come to tell me anything like 'you stole the idea'.) Since it was the first imagine I posted there, a lot of my followers were begging me to turn it into a fanfic and I did, this literally was all for and because of you. It also was inspired in a song (at the moment I can't remember which one) but it talked about going back to who you love in spite the fact that you might've moved on from one another.

Can Geoff ad Lena get married already?
Haha, they did get married, a year after Kaylee and Shawn, actually. They also had two kids, a boy and a girl.

Who was your inspiration for Kaylee?
As selfish as it sounds, it was me. I put myself in her shoes and think of how I would react to the situation, though I gave her her own personality because as much as she was inspired in me there are a lot of differences between us (for example, she cries a lot, I don't) but she's very sassy and sarcastic, which I am too.
Physically it was very hard to find someone who reminded me of her, because, again, I was thinking about me the whole time, but after hours and hours of searching for someone, I ended up choosing Madison Beer.

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