Forty five

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"I can't pretend
That nothing's changed
Living in the shadows
Of the love we made

Back, when we were beautiful
Before the world got small
Before we knew it all
Back, when we were innocent
I wonder where it went
Let's go back and find it"

Kaylee's PoV:

It's 5.00 in the afternoon, I'm still in my pyjamas, sitting on the couch while eating some ice cream as a romantic film is on the tv.

I groan when someone knocked on the door. I rolled my eyes annoyed and paused the film and grabbed my crutches to walk to the door to see who the hell is disturbing my treating time.

I opened the door half-way so the person behind it doesn't see me wearing my pyjamas.

"What are you doing here?" I asked, though it sounded more like a yell, when I saw Shawn at the other side.

"I told you I'd see you today. Now open up all the way, kid" he teased.

"No" I shook my head.

"What the fu-, why? I'm not a stranger and it's freezing here, woman" he shook his head confused.

"I'm not presentable right now" I shyly answered.

"Oh come on, I've seen you in your less and most presentable looks." He crooked his head a little to one side "Now, let me in" I gave a long sigh before letting him in "Kittens? Really?" He said when he looked to my pyjama.

"Ugh, shut up" I closed the door at his back and walked with him to the living room.

"What are you watching?" he said and grabbed my small bowl with ice cream and took a seat on the couch.

"Letters to Juliet" I answered, taking a seat next to him but a couple inches away so I can still keep my distance.

"You will never get tired of that movie, won't you?" Shawn asked and ate a spoonful of my vanilla ice cream and he frowned his brows while looking at me.

"No, and give me that"


"Because it's my ice cream, you Einstein" I said obvious and reached for what's mine.

"No, I mean why will you never get tired of that movie? As long as I know you were never the romantic kind of girl and this film is pretty cheesy" he squinted his eyes a little.

"Just think about it; how hard Claire worked to get Lorenzo back, she didn't even care about how many years passed and that both of them made their life with someone else, but at the end they end up together again because they were each other's first true love and they knew that they never stopped loving each other not even the years could erase those feelings. It shows that if you're meant to be with someone, life will find a way to put you back with that person if what you felt then was true love, then it's never too late. If it was true then, why wouldn't it be true now? I don't think love has expiry date. You know what I mean?" I explained and he nodded slowly.

"I think I do" he gave me a small smile and sighed before he reached for my ice cream again, eating it until there was nothing left in the bowl.

"You owe me an ice cream now" I rolled my eyes.

"Then lets go get some. Get dressed"

"Wait, what?" I opened my eyes surprised.

"What you heard, I'm taking you out"

"Shawn..." I said a little uncomfortable. I don't know if I'm ready to go out with him.

"We're friends, remember? Friends go out for ice cream sometimes" he shrugged.

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