I Lost Her, Again

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~Mike's POV~

I was in the void still. I had seen Eleven about a day ago I think, but it was hard to keep track of time in the void. 

It was usually quiet. Once and a while I would hear a few words from someone outside the void, but not very often.

I sat there in the darkness when I heard a voice. It was her voice. Eleven's voice.

"Mike, what are we doing here?" I heard her ask.

"Eleven? Is that you?" I called out.

Then there was silence again.

"Mike, stop, you're hurting me," she said.

Suddenly, the darkness disappeared for a second.

I could see El's beautiful eyes staring into mine, but she looked confused and almost afraid.

Then I emerged into the darkness again.

"ELEVEN!" I yelled, running through the void.

Then, I could finally see clearly. I was at the side of some girl, and I was facing Eleven

"Mike! MIKE!" Eleven yelled at me.

I wanted to reply, I really did, but I just couldn't.

"He can't hear you," the girl said.

But I could hear her! I just couldn't speak or move. It was like I could only see what was happening, but couldn't do anything about it.

Eleven ran up to me, putting her hands on my shoulders.

"Mike, oh please, say something! Anything!" she cried.

Suddenly, I had immersed back into the dark void again and could no longer see what was going on.

I knew Eleven and that other girl were talking, but I couldn't make out any of what they were saying.

"Mike, go," I heard the girl say.

Suddenly, I could see again. I started walking toward the edge of the quarry. I didn't want to, but I couldn't control what she was doing. She must have been using her powers on me or something.

"No! NO! What are you doing??!!?" El screamed at her.

"I will give you to the count of three Eleven. If you refuse to come with me, your little boyfriend will be sent over the edge, and you won't be able to save him this time. My mind control powers won't let you," The girl told Eleven.

"One," she said.

I reluctantly and unwillingly took a step closer to the edge.

"Two," the girl said again said.

My feet were half over the edge. I tried to move but I couldn't. I had no control of where I walked or what I said.


"WAIT!" Eleven yelled.

"Well?" the girl asked.

"I'll go with you, but please, release Mike from your mind control," El said, hanging her head.

"Very well then," the girl said.

I watched as the two ran into the woods together.

Finally, I had full consciousness. I slowly backed away from the edge of the cliff.

I lost her, again.

But, I knew what I had to do this time.

I was going to follow them.

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