~Aarmau 10~

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*Aaron's POV*

"Alpha!" Dotty yells from the forest, I perk up and wave, she points to a bush and I run over "I found a human!" She says and I push her out of the way "he's probably trying to kill us..." I say and she shakes no "it's a girl! And she's hurt!" I look at the small girl, who's bleeding on her left arm and sides. I pick her up feeling something towards her... But I don't know what... I have dotty run her to the rest of the pack to patch her up while I follow the trail of blood to see where she was hurt. The trail leads me to a small house, with a broken window that the trail starts at and a few men inside that seem to be raiding the house of her belongings, I growl turning into my wolf form and charging the house.

*Aphmau's POV*

"Blaze I thinks she's up!" A females voice yells, I see a few more guys come up to me and examine, I try sitting up and the girl lays me back down lightly "No! You can't get up till Alpha is back!" She yells and I groan "what's with the ears..." I whisper and they look around "you're a human? Don't you know about werewolves?" They ask and I nod a bit "but they aren't real...?" I ask "They are very much real." a booming voice says from the doorway, the others look to voice "Alpha!" "You four are excused, go find Maria" he says and they exit, leaving just me and this mystery figure, he sits me up and I look into his coal eyes, he checks the wounds to make sure I'm stable and helps me up "I'm Aaron" he says holding out his hand "A-Aphmau.." I say taking it, I feel a jolt and I can tell he does too "Mate." He says circling me and I freeze "Dotty!" He yells, a purple haired wolf runs in to my side "She's the one, take her to my room and settle her in." He says, she nods taking my hand "wow I've never seen an alpha female be a human before!" She exclaims and I look at her confused "what does that mean?" I ask and she stops in her tracks "you get to be the Alpha Female! I guess in human terms... Kinda like his wife?" She says and I blush "i-i think you have the wrong person!" I say as she pushes me into a beautifully decorated room "nonsense, werewolves can sense their mates so he's pretty sure you're the one!" She says and runs out, I look around the room, finding a few books and electronics laying about, I pick up a TV remote and analyze it. It seems like an average Television remote and I sit on the bed, looking for something interesting to keep my mind busy. I finally find a show I find interesting, a show on how to make a double Dutch chocolate cake.
"So You like to bake." The rough voice from the doorway makes jump.
"Ah!! Hey!! Don't sneak up on my like that!!" I squeak.
"You're just adorable aren't you? Hopefully that will stay when I turn you.." Aaron Growls.
"TURN ME!?!" I shriek. "WHAT'S THAT SUPPOSED TO MEAN!!" He flinches, his wolf ears curling up. He growls lowly.
"Enough." He snaps and I whimper "I meant I'm going to turn you into a werewolf Aphmau."
"But I don't wanna be a wolf...."
"You don't have a choice at the moment. I recommend not fighting. I know you felt that spark that I did."
"What are you talking about...." I say brightly blushing...
"Come here." He says holding out a hand. Knowing better than to argue I accept it and he pulls me Into a hug
"Squeeze me, tightly." He says. Without warning he bites, his fangs sinking into my neck, and I squeeze tightly trying to block out the pain.

*Day One, Aaron's POV*

Screams are all I can hear is screaming and it's driving me insane! "Ugh!" I groan pulling the blanket over my head and Aphmau's yells from the cellar Pierce my ear "Alpha!! You can't leave her down there if you want her to like you!" Dotty yells through the door "Just shut her up!" I yell covering my ears "Aaron?" Melissa's voice says through the door and I get up, knowing I can't fight her "fine give her that room" I say pointing at the one diagonal from me, the pack runs down to the cellar area, helping Aphmau to her room, which make her less stressed, calming the screams.

*Day Two*

"You poor thing" Melissa says trying to feed Aphmau soup, I sit in the corner and Melissa motions me over, I stand next to Melissa and realize the pain Aphmau was going through "sheesh..." I say and Melissa nods "I remember going through this... Since both me and mom we're originally humans I was given the human genetic meaning I was turned" she explains to Aphmau and she only groans in pain "it's almost over..." Melissa whispers.

*Day Three*

"Hey..." Aphmau whispers peaking through the door of my room "hmm?" I say without looking up from my laptop "I got your flowers..." She whispered and I feel a happy feeling... I can't describe it... "I didn't send flowers" I say, 'why did I say that!!!' I mentally yell at my self and she looks puzzled "but it said from you on it..." She says crawling to my side, I close the laptop and look at her "is there a reason you're here?" I ask and she blushed "S-sorry..." She says shyly. She kisses my cheek and runs out, leaving me... Blushing? No no no this isn't right... "Aph!" I yell running after her, I run into her room and she turns "A-Aaro-" I shut her up with a kiss, why... This girls so annoying... But she's mine... Yeah I like that "Now do something useful" is all I said before leaving her flustered.

"Listen, I kinda feel bad about turning you and that you're stuck with me so... I adopted a little human tradition of a 'wedding ring' to make you comfortable if you ever wanna go in public, we can hide are ears so..." I hold out the ring and hugs me "you're just a big teddy bear aren't you!" She squeals and I laugh "only for you my flower" I say happily, I used to hate you... How can anyone hate you...

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