🔮🎵🎸 Scorpion Grass [04 April 2018]

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I took a glance at the bottom of my Wattpad bio the other day.

Biking Over Skyarrow Bridge 🚴🌉

Joined Apr 2014.


Two things come to mind when I read those statements.

1.) I really adore the new camera perspectives they introduced in Black and White after HeartGold/SoulSilver. Skyarrow Bridge was amazing when I first crossed it. I personally opted out of BW when it first came out FOR HGSS because I didn't want to learn more Pokémon (this was my 13 yr old logic).

Lost that HG version btw. Makes me cry. My Jolly Feraligatr is gone forever 😢

Played Black later. Currently, I have a Serperior 😎

2.) Really? Apr 2014? Isn't that when CoordinatorIza & Gremlin joined Wattpad? 😂😂

Seriously though. That's about four years ago.

No, I'm not celebrating an anniversary. Idr what day it was. I'd have to guess around my birthday...whenever Blue Lightning was super popular (ahh those were the days...Claire Parks and Jirachi).

Anyway the point is...wow. A lot has happened round these parts since then.

I was inactive for most of it 😂 so...haha no reminiscing of many past events today.

BUT THINK ABOUT IT. Tag(s), rant(s), holiday(s), and announcement(s) later, here we are. Four years later. Friendship(s). Crush(es). Award(s) (or lack of them). Disappointment(s). Life, basically.

And GenerationsDebut of course!

Here's a small message to the Pokémon fandom community (aka, time for a tag spam 😂):

People come and go. The stronger memories stick longer. But eventually those Bonds (Cora-chan) break. Even with a Heart of Steel (ImberLapis) or a even a Crystal Heart (_Pepper_Sprinkles_) sometimes it isn't strong enough. As I look at my Shattered Lives (RedPandaWorld) of offline and online colliding, I realize something. Those lives...they're Worlds Apart (anunnamedgalaxy). One is just a Flicker (Torterra657) of a distant Lantern (izayoix) to the other. And as I look back on both of my lives Back to Back (azule-), Intoxicated (LittleTyrunt) on Reminiscence (Stormlocke), I don't think I'd have it any other way. This is the best way it could've happened. Through all the Misadventures (DI_Gremlin) on Wattpad, The Climb (blue___22) I have been on gave my life that Spice (GingerAndy) it needed.

It's amazing...all of these people in the fandom...I don't think I can imagine The World Without Them (UnisonRaider). All these people, they're Someone Worth Fighting For (MysticalTactician) in my opinion. To the Death (ansekii__) even.

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