* ♈ Random Tag #1 ✨ * [03 April 2018]

92 11 23

Tagged by RedPandaWorld

Let's do this. Short and sweet.

1.) Do you have a crush?


She has a habit of going on hiatus on the most inconvenient of times.

2.) Middle Name

That would be Godofredo. My grandfather's first name on my mom's side.

If anyone doesn't know, I'm actually half Filipino. You learn new things every day huh?

I'm like Dictator-chan where you can barely tell I'm half-Asian (well Pacific Islander in my case) because the white side tends to be prominent.

3.) Height

5'11 3/4"

The 3/4 was important in Harry Potter, and it's important now.

4.) Shoe Size

9.5 in American Men's

5.) Eye Color

Brown. Apparently they're enchanting according to the ladies. Coupled with my long eyelashes (that sometime touch my glasses lenses), they're apparently ideal or something.

Idk man

6.) Last Time You Cried

Ooh that's a tough one...if I had to guess...when I was 10? And as to why...that's a story for another day.

7.) Biggest Fear

The unknown. I can live with spiders, bees, and dying, but true fear is fear of the unknown. All fear stems from it.

To explain, let's say you're afraid of...heights. Now it's not really you being afraid of heights, it's really what might happen to you while you're so high up.

So since you don't know...you fear it. Thus you fear the unknown.

That's your GT philosophy for the day.

8.) Last Song You Listened To

Boxer by The Gaslight Anthem. It's about a...you guessed it...boxer. It's sort of like a rock version of a rap. Here's the chorus:

You took it all gracefully on the chin
Knowing that the beatings had to someday end
You found the bandages inside the pen
And the stitches on the radio
But there was something heavy holding you down
And there were whispers that were driving you crazy
And now you haunt the heart of this town
Remember when I knew a boxer, baby

There's an acoustic cover for it as well iirc...

9.) Last Person You Texted

This is a fun one.

My friend's girlfriend.

It was about Shakespeare and Romeo and Juliet and how I said Rosaline deserves more. Then she said that she doesn't agree with Shakespeare much.

Then asked if I shook Gungnir, would that count as "shakes spear" to her.

(For all those who don't know, Gungnir is the fabled lance weapon in Norse mythology. For those who've played FE, it's probably come up a few times. In Sacred Stones for sure iirc).

10.) Favorite App

If anyone knows me, I have no favorites. But I do enjoy Wattpad, Zingbox, Music Player, and my Antivirus.


11.) Tag 20 people

That's a ton...I'll not try because of it. Anyone who wants to do it, feel free to 💦💦

We Think We Know You [Ran-Dumb Book]Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora