* 🎢 Twenty Part Writing Tag 📓 * [24 April 2018]

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Tagged by RedPandaWorld

This thing has twenty questions! That's a lot! (No wonder she split it 😂)

1.) Describe yourself as you would a character in a fanfic.

Haha okay. I guess I'll be using my usual format:

Name: GeekoTreecko
Age: 18
Dominant Hand: Right
Eyes: Brown, with glasses
Hair: Brown
Likes: writing, music, strategy games, food, puns
Dislikes: writer's block, disrespect, instant rice from a box, in organization
Hobbies: writing, MTG, strategy games in general, visual reading, jokes
Small Bio: Born in a hospital just inside the city of X's borders. Skipped a grade in school. Currently works in a restaurant. Currently lives with his parents and little brother (age 7). Spends most of his day working. Wishes he could write more. Likes rock music. Likes to joke. Tends to be reliable. Has been wearing glasses since 3rd grade. Broken his heart too many times for his own good. Generally eats anything. Simplistic in his fashion. Tall and lanky, physically stronger than he appears. A true gentleman (in training) ✨🎩.

Words That Describe: smart yet stupid, pun master, tall, geek, clever, awesome & handsome (they both end with "me" after all), gentleman

Lines (things he'd say):

"70% of a compromise is a 'promise'."


"I'm not against gays or lesbians. I think they're expressing their own desires. And they're helping with overpopulation."


"My friends often say I repeat jokes."


"Hidden Strings. You may tap or untap target permanent. Then you may tap or untap another target permanent."


"Ahh that's why I'm still a gentleman in training!"


2.) Do you have a ritual before/during/after you write?

I do have one after I write.

It's called saving my progress 👌

3.) Which fanfic is/was your favorite one to write?

Currently, I'm writing Hopelessly Devoted to Misery which I feel like will be fun to write. I like the concept, and I need a break from the pokécentric The Journey of an Eon that's almost done.

4.) Authors you admire?

I admire any online author that publishes. Why? Because those who write and don't publish or at least share I feel like could be fantastic. And fantastic things should be shared. That's what I think anyway.

5.) How many words do you think you could write in an hour if you really concentrated?

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