💭🎵🎸 Painkillers [28 Feb 2018]

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It hurts.

Here's the thing about life. It needs balance. Things happen because other things don't happen. Even if you claim something is spontaneous or whatever, it happened because something else didn't happen.

The world needs balance in order to keep going. That's why we bark and scream about overpopulation.

That's why I'm about to say a really bad joke. Prepare yourselves now. Disclaimer alert. If you want to skip it, it's in italics right after this paragraph. Skim at your own discretion.

I bet God created gays to fix overpopulation. Boy did that go well...


Here's the thing. This is completely my belief and opinion.

Bad things happen so you know when good things happen.

You stubbed your toe? It hurts right? Well it's so you know that stubbing your toe brings unpleasant feelings of pain. And then you know stubbing your toe is something that is bad.

Now there's a myriad of great, amazing, fantastic, phenomenal things out there in the world. Countless. So much that the stars would need stars to count them.

But there are also bad things. Just like there are good things, there are bad things. Just like there are good people, there are bad people. Just like good ideas, there are bad ideas.

The point of bad and good is so you could discern one from the other yknow?

Imagine if the whole world was good things. Wouldn't that feel so plain? You wouldn't be able to sense that those things are good. Life is comparisons. You find things better or worse than other things.

That's what makes things and people and ideas and whatever good or bad. We compare them. That's what it's all about.

Balance and comparisons. That's the world.

It hurts.

What hurts? you ask. Lots of things hurt. They hurt so you know what doesn't hurt.

I need some painkillers. I'll take anything.

Or did I mean everything?

There's something I need to do. Maybe it's emptiness. Maybe it's the embodiment of the bad. It's sort of the theme that you're the bad one so there must be good ones.

Sometimes you get tired of waiting for those good things after experiencing so many bad things.

Chorus from a song called Painkillers:

And we want love like it was a drug
All we wanted was a little relief
And every heart I had in-between
They were painkillers to me
They were painkillers to me
Come get your painkillers from me

If you still don't know what I'm talking about...well that's understandable. I don't even know what I'm talking about sometimes.

Is that a good thing or bad thing, I wonder.

I'm all a part of the bigger picture. I guess I'm just getting a little more bad in my heart than others. I wish it wasn't that way. I wish I knew I was just building up that bad so I can cash it all in for blissful good. But I don't know that. For all I know, someone else is sucking all of my good without experiencing enough of the bad. It'd be a shame if it was like that.

Sounds rather like a martyrdom. Sacrificial for a better cause. What an altruistic idea. Is that good or bad I wonder.

And if I have a chance, would you let me know? And if the answer is no, can I change your mind?

Crazy days help me through the hopeless haze. It rained today ☔

For those of you who are near...my 20 (slang)...you'd know I was lucky because I worked through the entire thing. And it was coming down hard enough to make me anxious at the thought of riding home in the rain 🚴

Try graying the lines between good and bad one day. Lose yourself in the in-between. Maybe you'll realize that the balance also exists in that gray area (grey for you Brits).

-GT (being excessively philosophical)

What? You don't understand it still? It's just a huge spoiler to the book! He's giving away the theme for it! Don't steal it! That's called plagiarism.


Buffalo buffalo Buffalo buffalo buffalo buffalo Buffalo buffalo.

is a grammatically correct sentence.

The more you know.


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