* 💕 Valentine's Day Tag 💔 * [14 Feb 2018]

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Tagged by RedPandaWorld for this fun little tag. Second one of this book, so pardon my awkwardness 😂

First a poem:
Roses are gray
Violets are a different shade of gray
Let's all chase mailmen

-a dog

And we're back.

1.) Do you have a crush on anybody? If so, who?

Haha that's an easy one. MysticalTactician (see Snowy Day Tag for more info)

Too bad she's in hiatus now 😂 and that I don't have a kik 😂😂

2.) What do you look for in a guy/girl?

What do I look for in a girl? Let's take a look:
• she should be three-quarters intelligent, if not more. If I can't hold a convo with her...haha maybe next time.
• generic stuff like same interests
• she's gotta be shorter than me idk why I just feel weird looking up (I'm 5'11 3/4")

3.) Who is your fake crush? (Basically your waifu)

Shiomiya Shiori!

Always liked a bookish girl (guess that's why I'm on Wattpad)

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Always liked a bookish girl (guess that's why I'm on Wattpad)

4.) What can you accept about a person?

Their small imperfections. Small itty bitty ones. Even if it's a handful of them. Because I'm the same. I have many small imperfections (that's excluding my face XD 😂😂). Girls, if he's got a thing for feet: say "eh f*ck it, sweep me off them."


I feel like some love is like a surgery. How? Because sometimes we add or remove what we don't regard. We ask our partner to stop doing this or start this. But if they're generally not interested, I'm sure it could be annoying (I wouldn't know. Never had a real partner 😂😂).

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