🔮💭 200 Facts About GT (Part 1) [20 July 2018]

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So this is one of those commemorative things where you reach a milestone. Me? 200+ followers ATM. It'll probably fluctuate a bit. I'm surprised I got this far since maybe 20 of the accounts are dead.

Anyway, without further ado, 200 amazing facts about GT.

1.) I'm a dude

Male subspecies of the human race. Or at least I hope so

2.) Almost 6' tall

It's mostly the long legs. I'm surprised I got this tall taking into account my parents' heights.

3.) Pokémaniac

Up to Gen 5. Gen 6 and beyond is a mystery to me. And I'm kinda hazy with Gen 4 because I lost my version of Diamond. My cup of tea is Johto.

4.) I like shorts

Rain or shine, you'll find me wearing shorts. I am pretty sure I used to wear jeans back in elementary...but that was many many years ago.

5.) Sunny California

In the most populous city in the south bay.

6.) I know more about some things than what I seem

Yknow people are amazed when I can name defense coverage schemes for american football.

7.) Curious and a researcher at heart

It's sometimes more fun to learn about something than it is to actually show what you've learned.

8.) That curiosity will be the bane of my existence

It has gotten me into trouble many times. For those victims of it, I apologize. But I just love knowing stuff.

Curiosity killed the cat is how the saying goes if I remember correctly

9.) And we're at my favorite number

I've always had a fascination for the number 9. It was one number below ten. The largest single-digit number.

10.) Pun Master

Or so I thought once a pun a time

11.) Repeats Jokes

On purpose. Trust me. I don't forget very often. Speaking of which...

12.) Superb memory

I've been told that I "have the memory of an elephant" or something of that nature. Though I do have a memory, merely recalling information only helps if it's the right information

13.) ex-NJROTC Cadet

So basically, I spent two years training to be in the Navy. Which I didn't enjoy. But now I can say I did it, so that's a plus.

14.) Hopeless Romantic

I tend to destroy the feelings of characters. What even is a happy ending?

15.) Ride a Bicycle

Well I've been doing it since the beginning of middle school. I've always been relatively active, but not purposely. Basically, I don't have a gym membership. But I am not the fittest person either. Or the strongest. I just do what I do.

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