📢 By Unpopular Demand [25 May 2018]

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A handful of people have been asking me one question.

When are you going to update Hopelessly Devoted to Misery, GT?


But yeah people keep asking and say they want to read it.

So I guess I can't be THAT mean. At 10 PM EST, 7 PM PST, I plan on publishing chapter four of Hopelessly Devoted to Misery.

Yeah applause. You're welcome.

What? You haven't read it yet? You don't know what Hopelessly Devoted to Misery even is?

Well luckily you get to check it out in my published works! It's my PWA 2018 Miscellaneous Category novel that I hope to finish in time. If not...haha...well we'll cross that bridge when we get there.

What is it about? Umm...miscellaneous stuff I guess. Honestly, it's not that great of a novel. I'm aiming for 15th place with it.

I make roughly one pun a chapter, a few references here and there, and more or less create a mood of negativity to the point of stuffiness. With extreme self-awareness, and my laziness that I reuse characters...we'll see that OC have a lot of fun.


What? You still haven't read it yet? Waiting to binge read it? Well good news! I will update it (hopefully rapidly) over summer and get that thing on the page.

Then on to the next project!

...wow? Only two hundred thirty words? I don't really have any life updates so...I guess that's it. Lol

Anyway cya guys


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