《Part 1》Chapter 4- Alohomora

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Draco had changed a lot over that next year, okay sorry, no he didn't, that was a lie. This isn't some story where the bad guy changes for the better because he finds someone he cares about. He didn't change at all really: He was still the same old Draco Malfoy, or at least, that's what he wanted to think. The triwizard tournament was happening, and students from other wizarding schools were visiting Hogwarts. Sadly there were no students from Illvermorny, Draco wished he could have met more students like her, more students.. with... that amazing.. American accent. God it made Draco sick that accent. It was intoxicating the sound of it. On second thought, maybe one of her was enough.

They had so many classes together this year: they had Defense Against the Dark Arts, Potions, Charms, and Astronomy together, which were all classes Draco found difficult to make himself concentrate in. After all, why would the stars up in the sky have any of his attention over the two galaxies that rested between her ears. The yule ball posed another threat to Draco. Stupid Potter. Potter fancied her, Draco knew it. It was so obvious in the way he oggled her whenever they were in the same room. Potter was going to ask her to the yule ball, he'd be a bloody idiot if he didn't.

Draco decided that he was going to ruin Potter, who does he think he is? Putting himself into the goblet of fire so he could continue to gain more and more fame. It made Draco sick to even think about how he could trick a magical object such as the goblet of fire. Instead of going to classes that one day, he hid in the Slytherin dorms and created what he considered to be a mini masterpiece. The next day the entire Slytherin house, and anyone else who supported Diggory over Potter wore "Potter Stinks" pins on their robes. Draco was proud of himself and his creation, the pins couldn't be changed, if someone tried to change what they said the insults only got worse. Now Draco just had to ruin the ball for Potter and then he would win, and Draco knew how to do just that. Draco would ask her out before Potter got the chance, he would make sure that Potter didn't ask her before he did, and he'd make sure she'd say yes to him, not Potter. Draco was going to use her to ruin Potter, yeah, that's why he was going to ask her to the dance, no other reason whatsoever.

Draco never realized how difficult it was to ask someone out to something. He never needed to before, he was always given a date or just went with Parkins, who normally asked him and not the other way around. Draco was scared to walk into the library, where he knew she was, pacing the aisles of books, running her fingers over the spines as she wandered. He was terrified to hear her voice, terrified to hear her answer. He couldn't do it. He couldn't go in there, what if she said No? What if she wanted to go with Potter, why would she want to go with Draco anyway, he was the villain in this story, in her story. Draco's heart shattered at that realization. Every story of a princess had a prince or a knight who saved her from the ferocious dragon, and in this story, he wasn't the knight in shining armor that came to rescue her, he was the beast that kept her locked up in the tower. With that, Draco turned away from the library doors, what was the point in even trying? Instead he walked away from the library, and went to hide away in his dormitory until dinner.

Draco didn't eat much at dinner, how could he when he couldn't stop staring at her at the next table over? she was practically sitting right across from him, and he could see every facial expression she made, he could almost hear her giggle, and could practically smell her perfume. Her smile lit up the room more than any of the candles floating below the ceiling. Her eyes sparkled when she laughed and her smirk melted the entire school. Draco hated it. He hated that he could never be the one to make her smile like that, hated that he could never make her feel the way he felt, hated that he was the dragon of her story. He didn't want to be the dragon. He didn't know what he wanted instead, but he knew he didn't want that. Draco needed to change this story, but how could the villain ever get a good enough advantage to get their own happy ending?

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