《Part 1》Chapter 5- Repairo

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(Y/n) pretended that the night of the yule ball was just a crazy dream. There's no way any of that happened... right? There's no way that she actually danced with.. Draco Malfoy, the Slytherin king. Now way. That's crazy. It must have just been some bizarre dream, must have drank too much pumpkin juice and butter beer. Still though, (y/n) couldn't help but let her dream influence her. She ended up doodling versions of her favorite fairy tales with characters based off of different people from Hogwarts. She wasn't sure why, but she felt like Hermione seemed to be an almost perfect match for Belle, but she doodled another version where she made herself Belle as well. She drew different versions of the Beast and Prince Adam, both resembling Malfoy, prince Adam practically an exact replica of Malfoy. Harry became a version of the enchantress, who cursed prince Adam and turned him into the Beast. Luna became Lumiere, Raymond became Cogsworth, Newt became Belle's father. It was a cute little parody she created from the fairy tale that had affected her so much as a child, but she would never show anyone any of it. She couldn't, not with it having Malfoy as the prince.


"Newton Scamander shall be visiting Hogwarts and will be teaching alongside Hagrid," Dumbledore announced over breakfast. Murmurs spread across the Great hall, and a few people glanced over at (y/n) at the Ravenclaw table.

(Y/n) just smiled to herself, she hasn't seen Newt since the summer, and he had been far too busy to respond to many of her letters. (Y/n) wondered if he was going to bring the creatures, she was almost positive he would, as much as he trusted Tina and Queenie, he hated being away from those creatures.

"Newton Scamander will also bring along his own assistant, I have been asked to inform you that he is a Muggle, but I can safely tell you that he knows the magical world better than most people in this school," Dumbledore glanced at Hermione after his statement, no one knew more about the wizarding world than Hermione, but Jacob was probably a close second.

More murmurs and whispers spread across the Great hall, a Muggle? They whispered, is that even allowed? They asked amongst their little huddles. (Y/n) smirked, cause no, it wasn't allowed, but Jacob couldn't preform magic, and Newt wasn't going to let his best friend forget everything entirely. So Newt worked it out that Jacob would be his advisor of sorts and then he married Queenie, so now he was allowed to keep his memories of magic, but no one else in the school new that, except Dumbledore of course. The murmurs continued for a moment before Dumbledore held out his hands and hushed the room once more. The entire hall almost instantly went dead silent.

"Mr. Scmander will arrive here at Hogwarts before your first lesson with Hagrid this morning, he will also introduce himself to the entire student body once we rejoin here in the great hall for lunch." Dumbledore promised, and with that breakfast appeared on the tables in front of them and everyone began eating.


(Y/n) thought she was in the clear, thought everyone had forgotten about Newt since breakfast, but unfortunately, one particular Slytherin had a scary good memory.

"What is he to you?" Draco asked in a whisper as he quickly sat across from (y/n) at her desk in divination class. He tapped softly on the wood desk and bit his bottom lip slightly.

She raised an eyebrow in confusion at him, "what in the world are you on about Malfoy?" She asked, the common British saying sounding odd in her mostly American accent.

"Newt Scamander, the author, the one coming to teach here," Draco stated simply as if that completely answered her question. "What is he to you?" He repeated his original question.

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