《Part 1》Chapter 11-Cantis

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((hope you all like Broadway! Because if you don't then these next parts are gonna suck for you, I'm sorry. I just got so inspired by the musicals I saw while I was in New York that I had to work it into a part or two somehow. Anyway.... ENJOY THE CHAPTER!))

For the most part, going back to public school sucked, but it wasn't all bad. Despite all the bad things, (y/n) did enjoy doing theatre in the public high school. (y/n) thought that auditioning for the school's musical would be a good way to make a few friends and introduce herself to the school. The musical ended up being Phantom of the Opera, and somehow (y/n) got cast as the Phantom. The school thought it would be interesting to have the roles all switched, supposedly because of her, but she didn't believe that. Rehearsals were a good distraction from the world across the ocean, back in Hogwarts where all of her friends remained. (y/n) still wrote to her friends, of course, she sent her owl -Lassie- out almost every day with letters to Hogwarts, she tried to give her owl as much rest as she could but she felt bad if she didn't write back quickly. That was why the musical was good for her, if she missed writing letters because rehearsal ran too long then she could let her owl rest a little longer and she would have a good reason to postpone the letters by a day or so.

The musical was supposed to be performed soon, it was the last week of practices, with tech and dress rehearsals scheduled for the entire week, and (y/n) found herself really excited to have Newt, Jacob, Queenie, and Tina all come to see her perform it. She wouldn't tell anyone that she actually used magic a few times during the show because she trusted herself more than she trusted the tech, but that was her little secret. She didn't think anyone else important would come to see her perform, but she didn't really care, she was still excited.

"Open up your mind, let your fantasies unwind...In this darkness which you know you cannot fight.....The darkness of the music of the night....." (y/n) sang as she walked back and forth across the stage, her male counterpart pretending to be absorbed in her words as he watched her pace. (y/n) spaced out as she continued to sing, not focusing on anything, in particular, she stared blankly at the empty seats in the auditorium, imagining people actually sitting in them. She pictured Newt, Tina, Queenie, and Jacob all sitting in the front row, right behind where she saw them seated she pictured Ray, Luna, and Luca. She didn't see Draco in the images of the auditorium that went through her mind. She felt herself shiver like there actually was a phantom haunting the theatre, "To the power of the music that I write...The power of the music of the night..." She turned to face the boy, she found it easier to play her part when she pretended it was Draco she was acting with and not someone else, so instead of the senior that stood in front of her, a popular kid at the public school, she pictured Draco in front of her when she cupped his face softly in her hand.

The few people that were sitting in the seats began to clap, there weren't many people, mainly other actors and the drama and choir teacher, but their clapping sounded like it was coming from hundreds of people. She was worried that with a lot of people in the theatre that the clapping would be too much for her to listen to, but she decided to just ignore the clapping altogether. It was so weird going to school in New York. The city was insane. You walked everywhere and the streets always had people on them. The buildings touched the sky and if you looked straight up the buildings looked as though the were bending towards you. It was so weird for (y/n) to find herself back here when there was snow on the ground and the sun never showed through the clouds. (Y/n) liked New York, she thought the city was beautiful, not the same that Hogwarts was beautiful but beautiful for its own reasons. After rehearsal (y/n) collected her things and went outside, Newt was waiting for her when she came outside.

"There's my little Bowtruckle," he teased, Newt ruffled her hair and took her school bag, making sure he couldn't be seen as he secretly put it into his case. "How was practice?" he asked as they began to walk towards the apartment.

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