Chapter 18; The countdown

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By the next day, rumors started to go around.

The end of the Fridays' fights were forgotten, as was what occurred to me.

Everyone were talking about the missing boys.

To make everything clear, my uncle called the whole school to the auditorium. And so, I found myself sitting quietly besides Caleb and Klay and the rest of the guys, but with Reagan and Oliver nowhere to be found.

I glanced at Thomas as some teachers tried to silence everyone. "Where's Reagan?" I asked him, trying to raise my voice enough for him to hear me over the noise around us.

He looked at me and shrugged, telling me he had no idea were he was.

I hoped he wasn't doing anything stupid.

When I said that what happened to me was forgotten, it wasn't very accurate.

Thomas, Clay and Caleb kept glancing at me, as if any second I'll pass out. They didn't know how many times I was this badly injured from a fight.

And Reagan... Well, he didn't stop scowling at me. I wasn't sure if whether or not it was because he was annoyed with me for getting injured like an idiot.

Then again, I could never really tell what the hell he was thinking.

Just as everyone finally quiet down, I spotted Reagan and Oliver making their way towards us.

Oliver sat next to Thomas, and Reagan stood for a second before sitting down next to Elliot- meaning he was the farthest away from me.

I felt a weird pang in my chest, making me rub it in annoyance. Lately, I started to think I may have a small crush on Reagan. I wanted to kick myself for that, and thought it might actually be better if he stayed away from me until it passed.

How long did it take to crushes to fade away? I might have to google that.

My uncle voice made me snap out of my stupid thoughts as soon as he started talking.

"Good morning everyone, I know you may be wondering why I called you all here. Recently, we found out about those arranged fights that took place on every Friday, and we made sure those who started them will be held accountable.

Unfortunately, it is not the only reason you are here today- yes, it is about the missing boys." Almost immediately, talking started all over the place, making it difficult to hear anything farther from my uncle.

"Now now, if you will all keep quiet, I would be able to tell you more details." I looked around, leaning forward in anticipation.

From the corner of my eyes, I notice Reagan looking at me and then our eyes met.

It felt as if he was telling that whatever was going on, I better not think of getting into any sort of trouble.

Then, I glanced away, trying hard not to smirk. If someone really was going on, I knew for sure I'll try and do something dumb. I did, after all, came here to make sure the school was safe for girls.

"We don't know too much about the disappearances, and if anyone knows even the smallest thing it would be a great help.

Also, we ask that you try and stay away from dark places, especially alone." My uncle finished off. "That includes you, Ms. Troubles," Klay gave me a pointed look.

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