Chapter 8; The winter festival!

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Enjoy the chapter!


Two weeks after the preparations, It was Monday, the twenty eight-The Winter Festival. I was still grounded. Every day I wasn't at school, I spent staring at the TV until my eyes throbbed painfully, or staring at my ceiling. How come before, I was okay with staying at home all the time, but now I wasn't? It seems like the school changed me more than I changed it. And it barely did any change to me.

I was still the hot tempered, sassy, blunt and very (very) friendly Rhi.
Also, the attention I got didn't change that much either. I would get the usual stares as I walked down the hallways and in the cafeteria and gym, and sometimes brave souls will try to ask me out on a date.
I normally wouldn't mind all the attention, but it's not the one I hoped for. I wanted them to see me as one of them- even if I was a girl.
I wanted them to say 'Hey' and 'Good morning' as I walked past them.
I wanted them to not be nervous, wary or scared to talk to me, and ask me if I was free today to join them see movies at the cinema.
I guess when I finally entered a public school, where students were supposed to be different than in my former schools, I expected to make lots of friends since I found people who were a lot like me.
But it didn't happen.
I'm lucky Caleb wanted to be my friend.
Though, what would he do if one day one of the guys will ask him to hang out with them?
I was afraid I would find out very soon.
And I knew I would be all alone again.


I fiddled with my lower lips, glancing at Caleb unsurely. What was I to say? 'Hey, I'm still grounded by my overprotective aunt, who is like that for a reason I can't tell you, so I can't go to the festival even though I stupidly forgot and promised you I will'? That would be a very long answer, and even to me it sounded like an excuse. I couldn't get myself to lie to him more than I have already, either.
And, to be honest, I really wanted to go. But last time I went to such a huge gathering, I ended up with a sprained ankle, a cracked nose and a bruise on my rib cage. The other guy came out with much less luck.
After that, Aunt made me go to a temper control meetings. I said I went, but we both knew I lied. Though, she didn't mention it afterwards. Maybe she forgot, or maybe she didn't have the energy to start another argument. Probably the latter.
"Okay, I'll come." I answered eventually. Caleb's eyes lit, a smile and the small blush he always wore on his face. "Really? That's great! We're gonna have lots of fun, you'll see!" I was a bit surprised he didn't act like the normal shy Caleb, but didn't comment on that. It made me glad that he became more comfortable around me and less nervous and wary.
The real question was I the hell was I supposed to sneak out without Aunt-the woman who I could never get away with going out while I being grounded- not noticing?
I need to start thinking of a plan of some sort. Maybe get Belle on my side.
Considering the fact that aunt writes her paycheck, it might not be a good idea, though.
"S-so... We'll meet at the entrance at around eight?" I nodded, taking a bite of my sandwich. I could tell that everyone was pumped about the festival-even though it was more about the competition than the event itself. I was scared about what will come after I'll manage to get out of the house-if I will.
So, to put it lightly, I was screwed.


"I hope I'm going to see you tonight, little girl," I lifted my gaze from my phone, looking at Daniel as he strode closer towards me at the bus station. No one else was here, probably because most of the boys have cars or their house was close to school so they walked.
"Who are you?" I asked him, just to see him get angry. He was so arrogant I bet he thought everyone knew him.
It was fun pissing him off since it appeared to be so easy.
And of course, Daniel's angry expression told me I was right.
"Oh, yes. I really do hope since there would be so many people no one will notice if something happened to you." I rolled my eyes, standing up in front of him.
"Dude, lay off. I get that you're annoyed I'm not into you, but you're acting like a stalker. A creep." If my previous words angered him, this made him furious.
Luckily for me, before he could answer me-or possibly committee murder- the bus arrived, and I got up quickly.
I sighed. When will this boy understand that I give a damn about him?

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