11: 😠Mr. Hothead😡

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~Akademi High (Incinerator Area)~
~YS Life~

"H- hey, Y/N," Riku Soma called. Why the heck is he struggling? "Can you p- please dump this in the i- incinerator? I- I have to clean the desks in our class- classroom." He asked, handing me a huge garbage bag.

"Yeah, sure- whoa! It's frea- freaking heavy!" I winced.

He laughed. "Sorry. I'll do it if you can't."

"N- no, it's okay. Go clean th- the desks to see Kokona." I smirked.

He hit me my arm. "Shh! You promised not to tell anyone!"

"Kidding, kidding." I carried the garbage bag and dumped it near the incinerator. Sorry, but I can't carry it long enough to dump it in there.

"What are you doing here?" A voice asked.

I rolled my eyes. I know my voice. I turned to face the leader of the delinquents, leaning against the wall.

"What do you want, Osoro?" I crossed my arms.

"You're in my spot. You stepped in here without my premission." He grumped.

"Uh, so? It's cleaning time, I have the right- and the permission- to go here."

"But I'm still not allowing you." He protested.

"Well, I was about to leave this place when you stopped me."

He scoffed. "Defensive much?"

I sighed. "I have no time for this." I walked straight out of the incinerator area.

"Hey, I'm still talking to you!" He pulled my collar to stop me from leaving. He turned me to face him.

My bag dropped on the ground.

"What the heck do you want from me, Shidesu?!"

"Your attention! I want you to listen!"

"Let me go!" I squirmed.

"L- Listen to me first, Y/N!"

"Not until you let. Me. Go!"

"Hey!" Someome shouted in front of us. "Don't you dare hurt the lady!"

ıllıllı • 𝕊𝕖𝕔𝕠𝕟𝕕 𝔻𝕚𝕞𝕖𝕟𝕤𝕚𝕠𝕟 • ıllıllıWhere stories live. Discover now