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Mia's POV

"You were born epileptic? I honestly had no idea."

"Yes. That's because I've never spoken about it publicly, but it has been alluded to through a lyric, from a song I wrote titled the Sacrifice Of Victor."

"The Love Symbol album."

"Bingo." He smiled.

"Interesting. Care to recite the lyrics?"

With a quick clearing of the throat and a steady gaze, he spoke. "I was born on a blood stained table, cord wrapped around my neck. Epileptic til' the age of seven, I was sure heaven marked the deck."

"That must've been difficult for you to deal with, especially being a young child. How did your parents cope?"

"My parents didn't know what to do, or how to exactly handle it but they did the best they could with what little we had."

"It's wonderful to know that they did their best. Speaking of your parents, do you mind discussing your relationships with them? How was your upbringing?"

With a slightly grimace expression, it was quite evident he was taken back to something as his eyes wandered over the room.

The eye contact he offered before? Gone.

I didn't pressure him to speak. Often times we react and expect verbal responses, but the non-verbal things can speak volumes.

Breaking from his thoughts, he lifted his head and the eye contact returned.

"You know you quickly figured out what album I referred to in which the song is from, tell me Mia are you a fan?"


"Ah.." His brow raised as he cut me off.

"Avoidance." I thought, scribbling the word down unto my notepad.

"Pardon me but this session is about you. Me being a fan isn't important."

A smirk formed on his lips. "So you are a fan..."

Softly sighing, I gave in to his question. "Yes."

"And your favorite song?"

"Are you turning this around on me purposely?"

"Maybe." He answered, glancing to the ceiling. "But no, I'm just curious to find out. There isn't any harm in that right?"

 There isn't any harm in that right?"

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"There isn't."

"So tell me Mia, go on."

"My favorite three have come to mind, but I'll only share two. Bambi and How Come U Don't Call Me Anymore.

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