Chapter 26

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October, 2017, Present Time.

I waltz through Volterra's streets, among other humans, the normal people of society, observing them in their day to day lives. Some are shopping, browsing at the market stalls which hold fresh fruit and vegetables. Others hold DVDs, CDs, odd crafts like homemade bracelets and necklaces, the ones I used to pore over for minutes at a time at car boot sales with Mam as a kid.

I want to approach some of the sellers, but I'm not sure if they speak English. The other passers by in the streets are walking to work, dressed in suits or just a smart shirt. How they can wear three piece suits in hot weather I'll never know. Then again, I'm sure born Italians are used to it.

I reluctantly drift past the stalls. I can bring Aro here another day and he can translate for me so I can buy some of those bracelets. I'm sure he'd be overly enthusiastic and use it as an excuse to show me off, holding hands with me and acting like a couple.

Like hell.

I want the bracelets and nothing else. I don't want him. 'Yes you do.' Richard sounds impaitent and I resist the urge to get into an argument with him. 'Yes you dooooo.' Sandee chirps and I ignore her too, squeezing past people to get through to the pavement.
'Yes he does but maybe he doesn't.'
'No he doesn't but maybe....' 
I shake my head like trying to fend off a wasp; I wish the voices would fuck off, especially the ones with no names.

I'm nearing the clock tower, five more minutes and I'll get there. As I walk along, hands stuffed into pockets, the streets quieter, I'm alone with my thoughts and I replay the antics of this morning over in my head. I kissed Aro. Only for a second. I still hate the bastard, but I have to admit, I enjoyed it, even if it was just a little peck of the lips.

He shouldn't have spied on me in the bathroom and he shouldn't have done it just to see me naked. I definately don't forgive him. If he ever does anything like that again, I'll chop his damn dick off.

I reach the alcove with it's eternally open doors and embrace the coolness of the wide corridor. It doesn't reflect the heat outside and it's usually cooler to stay in than out on hot days like these but I definately needed that walk.

And I'm definately ready for breakfast.

The kitchen is empty as I arrive. I don't know what I was expecting. Maybe a kettle boiling and bread in the toaster. Eggs cooking, bacon grilling, but there's no one. Everything is still and empty and the oven is cold. It hasn't been used since last night for tea time.

I step backwards and turn in the direction that I think is the throne room. I haven't been in there since I arrived in August. I rush down the corridor, worrying from the lack of sound anywhere.

Sure, vampires keep to themselves: they're not likely to be throwing parties or causing riots, but it's usually louder than this with the occasional passer by travelling from one wing to the other.

I reach the large wooden doors with relief and thrust them open, expecting to see several uniformed guards staring thirstily at me but instead, the room is deserted except for Aro who is perched in a regal position on his large chair.

'It's a throne, Alex.' Richard sounds bored at my slowness. "Yeah, well, I call it a chair. He isn't the King of England, he doesn't need a 'throne'." I justify but Sandee giggles, challenging. 'Throoooneee.' She agrees with Richard and I sigh, drifting over to Aro where he is still and quiet, his eyes focusing on nothing as if in a daydream.

"Aro?" I stop a few feet away from him, resting on the bottom step, waiting for him to notice me. He glances up, but begins studying his hands, flexing his fingers and lifting his hand to the light. "These hands give me the power to see every thought a person has ever had." He announces and I sigh.

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