•Chapter III•

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The sunlight shone on Lumine's white hair and fair skin. Like usual, Lumine was the first to wake. He stood up and looked through the window. The sky, for the most part, had cleared. There was just a thin layer of clouds here and there. Lumine was slightly saddened, he loved the rain. He stretched his arms and yawned. His stomach made a low rumbling noise. Maybe I should eat first, and then change... He poked at his stomach to stop being so loud, and made his way into the kitchen. Maybe I should wake Kody first, though.

Lumine lightly knocked on Kody's door, and didn't hear anything from the other side. He must be sleeping... Lumine looked at the time. It was 8:34. I should wake him up now... He slowly turned the knob and, to his surprise, he found the door unlocked. He slowly tiptoed over to his bed and poked his shoulder. "Kody?" Lumine whispered. I don't want to wake him up loudly... He'll be really angry at me... Lumine poked him again. And again. And again. Right... This is going nowhere. "Kody? You should be getting ready..." Kody's eyes opened slowly. He sat up.

"What are you doing in my room...?" Kody asked emotionlessly, Lumine started to sweat a little, scared of Kody's reaction.

"O-Oh, I just wanted to wake you up so you could get ready..." Lumine shut his eyes in fear. Please don't be angry at me, please don't be angry at me, please don't-

"... Oh." Kody stood up. "Thanks. You can leave now." Kody started walking towards the bathroom in his room.

"I- Uh..." Kody turned and looked at Lumine with confusion. Lumine sighed. "... Nothing. I'll see you at breakfast." Kody turned back around and walked into the bathroom, lightly shutting the door behind him. Lumine looked down, a little bit sad. He walked downstairs to eat.

This cereal tastes odd... Lumine set the spoon down into the bowl and looked  at the cereal box. Oh... It's store brand. That's why it tastes so bland. He thought as he stuffed another spoonful into his mouth. He was starving, as he forgot to eat dinner last night. Lumine heard footsteps coming from the stairs. He looked up to see Kody, who continued approaching the table.

Kody looked at the 7 other seats across the large table. And, to Lumine's surprise, he sat down directly next to him. As if he had done this every day, Kody picked up a bowl and spool from the center of the table. He then dumped cereal into the bowl and poured milk on top of that. He then started spooning the cereal into his mouth.

Lumine watched in awe at how Kody decided to sit next to him, without second thought! He smiled wide. I really hope this mean's we're on the path to being close friends! Kody looked over at Lumine and raised his eyebrow.

"What are you staring at?" Kody asked. Lumine was caught off guard by the question and shook his head.

"What? Oh, was I staring?" Lumine picked him spoon back up, "Sorry, I must have just been daydreaming." He then put the spoonful of cereal in his mouth once again. A satisfying crunch sound followed.

Kody looked back at his cereal and continued eating it. He was still paranoid from the day before. What... Who made that noise outside?

Lumine and Kody both sat at the couch watching T.V. It was 11:47, and Aiden would be down soon. Kody turned towards Lumine. "Did you hear... Or see, anyone yesterday? Like... lurking outside?"

"Huh?" Lumine was confused. "No, I don't think so." Lumine quickly became worried, "Why? Did you see someone? Is someone stalking you? I'll-"

"No, I just wanted to make sure." Kody said, trying to ease Lumine's mind. "I just wanted to know if you happened to see that woman again..." Kody turned back towards the T.V. If Lumine hasn't encountered him... Kody chewed on the inside of his cheek, Then that person must be after me...

"Lumine, I lied." Lumine quickly turned towards Kody.

"H-Huh? About what?" Lumine asked worriedly.

"About me seeing someone..." Kody looked off to the side. "Yesterday, when I was packing... I heard someone behind me move. When I turned around, though... There was no one." Kody bit his lip, "I don't want to end up in the hospital again... Or worse." Kody looked at Lumine. "So could you keep an eye out? Since you... Used to be my bodyguard." Kody started to show his fear a bit more, and started shaking. "I-I really don't want to be kid-" Lumine places his hand on top of Kody's.

"Don't worry."

Kody looked up at Lumine, who stared at him intently.

"I'll protect you."

Kody stared at him, his heart began to beat faster, his face turned red, and his breathing hastened. He quickly pulled his hand out from underneath Lumine's and tried to regain his cool. "Th-Thanks." Lumine's lips slightly curved downwards.

"I'll be outside. I'm going to see if there really is someone stalking you." Lumine stood up and walked out of the front door. Kody looked at his right hand. He could still feel Lumine's touch.

I... I need to lay down. Kody's face was still very hot and he couldn't stop looking back at his hand. Slowly, Kody laid on the couch and closed his eyes.

Lumine filled his thoughts.

Kody was laying on a bed. There was something soft underneath his chin. Something white. Someone was in his arms. Kody kissed whatever was under him, and he heard a familiar giggle.

"Heh... You're such an idiot." The voice was soft and hard to be angry at. Despite the insult, Kody couldn't help but smile.

"But I'm your idiot." Kody kissed the figure again. Another giggle. He loved hearing the figure laugh. He had no idea why, but the figure's happiness was all that mattered.

The figure turned towards Kody. "I love you, you know that?" the familiar figure said, wearing a genuine smile. Kody smiled back. A grin which hadn't graced his lips in a long while.

"I love you more." Kody replied slyly. He told the truth. The figure giggle again. God, what would Kody do to hear the figure's laughter over and over again?

The figure buried his head into Kody's chest, "I love you most." Kody smiled wider.

"Impossible." Kody's eyes welled with tears, there was no way to fully express the happiness and serenity he felt at that moment. The two laid in each other's arms and stayed in that position.

Kody knew who the figure was.

All that Kody could think about was the figure's beautiful pools of blue and yellow eyes.

The figure was Lumine.

And Kody wouldn't change that for the world.

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