•Chapter XXIII•

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It had taken much precision and carefulness, but about half an hour later, Kody managed to get to the top of the stairs. Getting to the roof would take a bit more effort...

Kody scanned the wall before him, hoping to find a loose brick he could climb from. Alas, there were none. Instead, he began jumping, throwing his arms up trying to hold onto the edge of the roof.

It took quite a few attempts, but he managed to do it. His fingers clung on to the edge of the tiled roof, but he immediately felt a sharp pain in his fingertips.

"Shit!" Kody yelled. O-Ouch! I definitely cut myself on some metal-! Despite the sudden pain, Kody lifted himself on top of the roof and let out a pained noise. He looked at his fingertips, and as suspected, they all leaked blood.

Damn... Kody thought, rubbing the blood off on his pants. I hope I don't get tetanus or anything... The tan skinned witch looked around the roof, and was immediately greeted with a vent, which was... Already pried open? Kody peered down the vent, and could see nothing but darkness. I am not jumping down there.

But alas, the vent was the only way into the building... Well shit. I guess I am going down there. Kody looked into the vent, which still seemed like a portal to oblivion. He sat on the edge, his legs leaning inside said portal. Kody gulped. I know I wanted to die like a day ago, but... He shook his head. This is for Lumine, Kody. He closed his eyes and leapt down the vent-!

To be greeted with a sturdy metal flooring almost immediately. Kody slowly opened one eye, expecting some horrible, monstrous creature to be staring into his soul, but there was nothing. I... Guess the vent isn't just a long drop down... Kody bit his lip and started crawling the vent again. Yeah, I feel pretty stupid right now...

Aiden grabbed his coat, looking at the two weredogs behind him. "Kody!" He yelled, "We're going for a morning walk!" Aiden grabbed the front door knob and turned it, but stopped before opening the door. ... Doesn't Kody usually reply with a groan or something? "Kody!" Aiden yelled again. Still silence. "Kody?" Aiden let the doorknob go, and began walking towards Kody's room. Now that I think of it... I haven't seen him since yesterday afternoon! Aiden's pace quickened and he opened Kody's door.

He let out a quiet gasp at what he saw.

Nobody but Kody had even seen the room for the past week, the adults knew the teenage witch needed privacy now more that ever.

There were tiny droplets of blood everywhere, but the thick aroma of fresh linen circled the room. Aiden gagged as soon as he saw the dull knife laying next to the lamp.

Sherry was in awe. "Oh my god... How did I not smell the blood?!" She facepalmed, ridiculing herself. Aiden her her arm.

"He... He covered the smell with fabreeze, or- or something..." Aiden held his head. He's been cutting himself... This whole week and more, he's been cutting himself and I had no idea?! Tears welled in his eyes.

"Aiden." Sherry interrupted, pointing towards something. Aiden looked up at it, and clenched his stomach. It was a chair, a rope, and a broken ceiling fan.

Aiden moved back, clenching his stomach even more. I... I'm gonna vomit!

Silver looked around the room, carefully inspecting everything. "He's not here, boss." Aiden looked up in slight shock.

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