•Chapter XX•

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Kody slowly slid the drawer open. He had no reaction to what was inside, as he already knew.

This item had a name. It wasn't a very odd name.

Some would call this a "rope," but that was incorrect.

While it was once a rope, it was something completely different now, and it had a completely different purpose.

This "rope," had been tied in a special way. It resembled a "lasso," but it was not one.

Kody picked up the remnants of the rope. He observed it carefully, making sure his head could fit.

Kody looked up, and threw the rope around a ceiling fan. He dragged a chair to the rope which now hung from the ceiling.

This "rope," had a very special name.

Some would call it a noose.

Kody stood on the chair.

Lumine woke up in the middle of the night, words had suddenly resurfaced.

"She had this place specially made since... Y'know... You're her only living child and all that..."

Lumine's heartbeat fastened.

Her only... "Living child?" Lumine shook his head. He probably just worded that weirdly... Lumine laid back in his bed, desperately trying to get some sleep.

A woman paced around the floor of a living room, she eagerly waiting for her lover's arrival.

Ah...! How do I tell him? She wondered. She paced and paced, waiting for him to return.

Hours had passed. Shouldn't he have been back by- And the door opened.

There stood a tired man, a lampshade on his head and a dizzy look on his face.

"Ugh..." He stumbled onto the couch. "You there. Yes, you bitch." He pointed at the woman. "Get me some ibuprofen, you useless..." He muttered something, unable to finish his sentence.

The woman shook her head. "O-Oh!" She scurried into the kitchen, shakily opening the medicine cabinet. "Ye-Yes dear!"

After a moment, she brought the medicine for her lover's aching head. As he swallowed the pills and water, she pulled the lampshade off his head and began to speak.

"I..." She thought about her words. "I have some very exciting news to share with you!" She said giddily.

The man rolled his eyes. "Oh god, I swear, bitch... If you say you're pregnant or something..."

The woman's heart dropped. "I..." She gulped. "I am pregnant..."

The man violently stood up, hitting his wife. "You fucking whore." He started.

"I'm not giving my life up for some random fucking baby." He kicked her again. "Especially not when you're the mother, you bitch!" He gave her one last punch.

The woman was backed into a corner, tears in her eyes. She was afraid for her life. The man regained himself, and patted his clothes. He walked to the front door and opened it. "I'm not coming back, whore." He left, violently slamming the door behind him.

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