•Chapter XXII•

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The skies were just as cloudy as the day Lumine left, if not cloudier.

As his hands continued to feel around where a noose once was, Kody's legs moved forward, through the forest of disparity and sadness.

He came to a stop as he approached the clearing where Lumine told him-

You idiot, he obviously hates you. Why are you searching for him when he wants nothing to do with you?

Tears welled in Kody's eyes, but he wipes them almost immediately. I can't lose him, too. There's no way he meant what he said. Kody took a deep breath. He closed his eyes and let the storm clouds in his mind fade. His eyes opened again and he looked around. I have no idea which direction he went! He looked around for a moment, turning over rocks, perhaps hoping to find a map.

After a few minutes of this, he kicked a tree stump out of frustration. The tears came again and he clenched his fists. "Ugh, this is hopeless!" He cried out. The tan witch's voice echoed throughout the forest. The sound of birds flying out of trees traveled to his ears.

He sighed, taking another deep breath. Kody sat on the soon to be wet grass as the rain began to fall. "Calm down, Kody..." he muttered. "Think of every single detail. Think of where Lumine could have went..." He pictured the scene in his mind. I remember running through to forest to find Lumine... Rain had just began to fall. Kody's heart ached at the memory, but he shook it off. I remember how happy I was when I saw Lumine in front of that tree... I remember how tight my hug w-

Kody's eyes flung open and he let out a quiet, barely audible gasp. He hurriedly stood up. If he was facing away from... He approached the tree, setting his hand on it. ... This tree, then he probably came from this direction, right?

He could've just turned a different direction, you moron.

Kody rolled his eyes. Shut up, conscience... You got a better idea? His mind was silent. Thought so. Kody ran in the direction of the tree.

... Please let me find you.

It felt like forever.

Forever that Kody's legs moved forward and back, relentlessly running- or walking, when he got tired- to find what didn't seem to exist any longer.

All of a sudden, Kody's neck burst with pain. "Augh!" He stopped running and the rope burn on his neck. It felt just as it did when he was connected to that ceiling fan...

Kody curled over in pain, letting out multiple yells to ease it. He fell on his knees when it faded, and eventually sat in the grass to take a breath.

You totally went the wrong direction, genius. A voice said in Kody's head.

Shut up! He's probably almost there. Just another mile or so! Another shouted.

Kody brought his knees to his chest and rested his head in the nook in between. Think, Kody... What's the logical thing to do here?

Give up and go home.

Keep looking for him!

Kody shut his eyes, but opened one to quickly check on the sky. It was almost a beautiful midnight blue, the sun just barely peeked over the horizon. Kody stood up immediately. How did I not notice?! He looked around the forest, searching for a secluded area. There's no point running around now... Even with this flashlight, I'll get completely lost during the night.

Kody moved around a bit more, trying to find a burrow or something he could sleep in for the night. Eventually, he settled for a large bush and a very out of place willow tree.

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