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"I Can't Do It."

Y/N's POV:

The masked person started running and you rushed to your patient room, attempting to lock the door but the person was able to get in. You immediately backed away until your back hit the wall.

"Found you again." He scoffed making you realized that he was the intruder. You suddenly remembered what the message said in Jennie's phone.

"I'm after your friend name Y/N. If I see her again, it will be the end of her."

Your legs felt weak. Maybe this will be the end of you.

"Why did you killed the nurse?! Where is everybody?!" You yelled at him but you stopped when he raised his knife. The knife was stained with blood.

"What do you want from me?! What did I ever do?!" You yelled again.

"Revenge." That was the only thing he said. He looked down at your injured leg and then looked back up at you.

"You.." You avoided his gaze. He turned around, back facing you. He dropped his knife and clutched his hair in frustration.

"But I have to do it..."

He turned around and stared at you. You trembled again when you hear his deep voice. You kept quiet and he grabbed his knife and ran out of the room, leaving you standing there in shock.


One week has passed and you have recovered from your injury. Luckily the intruder didn't came back again and you were able to go back to school.

You looked around in the school hallway expecting Hoseok waiting for you at your locker but he was no where in sight. You had been texting him since an hour ago but he didn't answer yet. You even ended up showing up to school alone.

"Where could he be?" You went to your classroom but he wasn't there.

So you ended up being at school alone.


"Guess I'll have to go home alone then." You exited the school and went to the same alley that you went though. You were sure that the intruder wouldn't come at this time so you just quickly run into the alley as fast you can.

You finally reached your house and tried to opened the door but realized that your parents both left for work. Before you could take out your house key, someone grabbed your wrist and turned you around.

"HEY LET ME GO!" You tried to pull your wrist out of the guy's grasp but he was too strong.

"Isn't it dangerous for a beautiful girl like you to be alone?" The guy smirked and dragged you to his van.

"NO I'M NOT GOING WITH YOU!" You yelled, making the guy furious. "HOSEOK HELP!" You attempted to call him but the guy punched you right into the stomach making you collapsed to the ground. The guy called his other two men to put you into the van. They succeeded on taking you to the van and drove away to their secret cabin in the woods.


You woke up in a chair with your leg and hands all tide up.

"HELP! ANYBODY!" You kept on screaming. The guy slapped you across the face.

"Nothing will go wrong if you do what we say." One of the men said. You glared at him. He took out a pocket knife and walked closer to you. You tried to move but you couldn't. You shut your eye, waiting for the pain to strike you, but instead heard a gun fired.

You slowly opened your eyes and stared in horror as you see the three guys laid down on the floor with blood all over their heads. You wanted to scream but you couldn't. You looked up at the person who shot them.

"I-It's you again...."

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