Kangaroo Country

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Did Miracle leave like he was supposed to? No, he didn't.

He had gotten dressed and didn't even bother to make the bed. He was kicked back in the recliner that was provided in the small living area, his eyes focused on the television as he popped a single piece of popcorn into his mouth, the bag sitting on his lap. However, at the sound of the door being unlocked, he looked over at it before grabbing the remote control and muting the television.

That bastard was going to pay for what he had done. That was for sure.

Of course people could blame him for allowing it to happen, but he honestly didn't know any better. He was young and very naive, even more naive than those his age.

He threw the remote control towards the bed and heard it land on the mattress, getting to his feet just as the door opened and moving over to throw the rest of his popcorn into the fancy looking trash can beside it.

The sounds of laughter could be heard as Eric and his tall, blonde, and beautiful fiancé walked in together. However, all laughter ceased when the two looked over and saw Miracle standing there.

The woman's smile faded and a look of confusion washed over her face. And Eric? Well, let's just say given the way his jaw had tensed up and the way those eyes had widened, he was pretty pissed.

Despite how angry and hurt Miracle was, the thought of revenge was sweet enough to bring a smile to his face as he approached the couple.

"Guess I stayed later than I was supposed to Eric ..." Miracle started, letting the words trail off carefully.

"Eric, who the hell is this?" The woman turned to the man, spitting questions at him in rapid-fire breaths. "Why is he in our room?"

Eric stared at Miracle, and then looked at his fiancée. "Oh ...well you see ..."

"I was his rent a fuck," Miracle interrupted Eric, giving her pleasant smile before he pushed his way between them to walk out the door. "I just didn't get paid."

He stopped in the hallway and turned around to look at Eric. "Sorry ... I forgot to make the bed, too." His eyebrows lifted. "Good luck at the wedding."

And then he took off down the hall, hearing the screaming begin and fade as he got further away. He ran towards the elevator. Once getting there, his hand lifted to grasp the wall and his eyes shut tight, his mouth opened and a loud cry escaped as he burst into tears.

He slid down to sit on the floor, his shoulders shaking and he trembled. It wasn't fair. Why had it happened again? Why wouldn't anyone love him?

He was tired of being used, tired of being taken advantage of. In truth, it made him feel really degraded, but what bothered him the most was that he couldn't understand why it kept happening. He sometimes wondered if having a reason would make the rejection of love easier. That, and he figured if he knew what it was that he did wrong, he could change it.

Like A Train wreckحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن