New York Again

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The taxi pulled up at Miracle's house and he looked out of the window. "Thats it." Miracle said. "It's funny how it doesn't look like it's changed."

Issac grinned. "Because they usually don't unless you move out, let it go and it gets ugly and becomes a good haunted house." He bumped shoulders with Miracle.

Miracle laughed and opened the door, climbing out, Issac followed as Dayna got out on the other side and they moved to the trunk to get their luggage and then headed for the house.

"Hey, Miracle." Craig walked into the living room and hugged him. "It's so great to have you home." He smiled. "I'm so sorry about how things were before."

Miracle dropped his luggage by the door and hugged Craig. "Thanks." He said and then pulled back. "This is Issac and Dayna."

Craig smiled and nodded. "Nice to meet you both. If you would, follow me." Craig lead them down the hall, showing Issac into Miracle's room and then stopped at Hunter's room. "Hope you don't mind a guys room for a little while. I'm sure Erica will remake it but she is...a little upset right now."

Dayna smiled. "It's fine, no rush." She walked into the room. "Thanks." She said as she sat her luggage down.

Miracle walked down the hall and looked into his room. "Hey, will you be okay for a bit?" He looked at Issac. "I got a few places to go. There should be some empty drawers where Jaemin kept his stuff and then his side of the closet, it's empty too, so there is plenty of room."

Issac nodded. "Yeah." He looked around. "I'll be fine, you go ahead."

Miracle walked into the room and wrapped his arms around Issac and kissed him. "Be back in a bit." He grinned and ran out into the hall. "I'm stealing your car again!" He laughed.

Issac smiled and looked around. "Overwhelming." He looked around Miracle's room, moving in and exploring would give him plenty to do.

Miracle drove down the road, obviously his next stop would be to his best friends house and then up ahead, he saw that familiar apartment building. A smile appeared and he pulled up out front and parked, taking the keys with him as he hopped out and shut the door.

Miracle headed to the front doors and looked at the buttons and pushed the one for Nancy's intercom. "Hello? Nancy? It's me, surprise!" He released the button and laughed.

"Miracle?" Nancy's voice rang forth from the speaker. "Come in." She then buzzed for the doors to unlock.

Miracle opened one of the double doors and walked in, he pressed the button for the elevator and waited for a moment until it chimed and the doors slid open. He stepped inside and selected the third floor. Once reaching the third level, he headed down the hall to the right apartment and knocked on the door.

Nancy opened the door and smiled. "I am so glad to see you back! You caught me just before I was about to go out. How is everything?"

Miracle smiled. "Well, great, I guess. Could of been better but it could of been worse too. Maybe." Miracle shook his head. "I'm being confusing, sorry. Is Sterling home?"

Nancy laughed. "Don't worry about it, being a teenager can be a confusing time." Her smile then quickly faded. "Uh, no he isn't. Actually, he moved out."

"Moved out?" Miracle looked confused. "One time I talked to him, he was in his room."

"Yeah, he had come to get some extra clothes, he's kinda been getting bits at a time." Nancy tapped the door, her red manicured nails making light clicking sounds. "You remember uh..where Robin lived? He moved there."

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