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"I think this is it." Miracle said as he pointed out a camper that was on the other side of the bumpy dirt path from the lake, there was a gray pick up truck and a black jeep parked out front. Miracle pulled his seat belt off as Jaemin pulled along side the jeep and parked the van, shutting the engine off, seeing bright lantern lights and a few tiki torches lit around, enough to illuminate the whole area, and the three guys standing outside around a wooden picnic table near a grill that was built into the ground as part of the camping sight.

"Well this is your party." Jaemin tugged the keys out of the ignition.

Miracle stared at Jaemin. "If you didn't want to come, you should of said so."

"All that Nick guy wants to do is bang you."

"Really? Then why didn't he say so?" Miracle asked.

"That's naive of you, Miracle." Jaemin looked at him. "They don't always just say so. Did Brad just say so?"

"That's a risky example, since you weren't around when Brad and I met." Miracle paused and hesitated. " He kind of just...nearly ran me over with his car and uh..claimed like he knew what he was doing and it would of never happened."

Jaemin raised his eyebrows at Miracle. "So how did it happen?"

"Well...we went to my house and Martha fell asleep watching her soaps and I kinda...stole her credit card and withdrew some money." He looked away, his gaze shifting towards the window. "And uh...I kinda just took the money and rented the room." He quickly looked at Jaemin. "But see, that was me! I was in total control, Brad was just going to drop me off at home, it was all my idea."

"And I'm sure he was so conveniently happy with it." Jaemin shook his head.

"Hey, are you guys coming or what?" Chad yelled out towards them and smiled, waving.

"Well who cares what Nick wants. I'm sure there is free alcohol so lets just take advantage of it...and them." Miracle opened the door and hopped out, a bright smile being given to Chad. "Hey!" He walked over to where they were, Jaemin right behind him. "You turned off the phone, right? You can do whatever you want with it, just...after we're gone."

"Oh..yeah, the phone is off, don't worry." Chad nodded.

Nick reached into the cooler and sat two more bottles of beer onto the wooden table. "I also got a little bit of coke if you guys want." He looked at Miracle. "Not the soda...sorry just felt the need to clarify, you look so adoribly naive. I also got some weed to, figure we could pass it around."

"I brought a little X...liquid or tablet. Though I prefer liquid, I slip it into my drink." TJ shifted the little glass bottle in his hand and then sat it in the middle of the table next to another glass bottle with tablets in it. "Just no pocketing them anyone."

Miracle looked at Nick and rolled his eyes. "Way to win someone over. I wouldn't of assumed it was soda unless you mentioned mixed drinks." He grabbed the bottle of beer and twisted the cap off, tossing the cap onto the table and lifted it up for a sip.

"I'm down for the weed, not sure about the rest." Jaemin said as he took a sip of his beer and then nodded for Miracle to follow as he followed Nick and TJ towards the camp fire that Chad had just ignited and sat on one of the circle of logs that they had made.

"I'm up for anything." Miracle grabbed the liquid X.

"Just a drop, don't OD on it..." TJ warned Miracle as he sat down next to Nick across from Jaemin.

Miracle shook his head and tilted it over and carefully just let a tad bit spill into his beer and then sat the glass bottle down and screwed the cap back onto it. He moved over to the fire and walked over to sit next to Jaemin by the fire.

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