Twisted Tales

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Miracle closed the door to his room after throwing on a pair of sweat pants and a sky blue Mickey Mouse t-shirt and after making sure Jaemin was asleep. He just wasn't ready to go to sleep yet, he still felt like there was still so much left to do. He gently closed the door and walked down the hall to the guest bed room and balled his hand up and gave a couple of light taps, hoping that Erica wasn't asleep.

It seemed like Mother, like Son that she too hadn't wanted to sleep as she had heard the knock on the door as she sat on the bed next to the open window, a blue fur coat being worn over the tight black leather tube top and the skirt to match, the matching boots having been left on the floor to leave her feet bare except for the white socks that covered them.

"I'm up." Erica called out, hoping it wasn't Martha because she felt she was the type of woman that scolded smoking in the house.

"It's just me." Miracle opened the door and stepped inside, shutting it behind him. "You're lucky it wasn't Mom, she would be pissed."

"I had that feeling about her, not to be insulting but shes ... easy to read." Erica wanted to say stereotypical but that was her way of being nice about it. She gave a flick of the cigarette to send ashes out the window.

"Well she does her weekly grocery shopping on fridays and she does it when the roosters sing, if there were any around here." Miracle walked closer to the bed. "I won't tell, so long as I can have one."

Erica nodded towards the pack laying on the bed. "Go ahead."

Miracle sat down, took the pack and pulled one out and lit it up, taking a puff. "So ... the shoe box?"

"You want to talk now?" Erica looked at him. "You're going to think it was really stupid and it probably was but at the time I just couldn't bare it. We both paid a price, Miracle. A price for something that I did, something bad but if I hadn't of done it then you wouldn't exist."

"What did you do?"

"Your Father was with someone else, you have a sister out there somewhere, a half sister. I roped him into an affair. In fact I believe you were conceived right around the time his girlfriend caught us in bed together. She took their daughter and left. I remember being so twistedly happy, I thought I had won but he was furious at me, he left to go after her."

"So what happened? How did you guys get back together? Were you kind of a rebound?" Miracle asked, full of questions.

"I had gotten into a really abusive relationship after that, lasted nearly a year." She puffed her cigarette. "My best friend saved me, a friend who always had a crush on me. We went back to my house where a couple of friends were still living and we made love. Well after that happened, the abusive boyfriend, he killed my best friend and he freaked out and ran off."

Erica continued with the story. "I'll never forget Max's last words. You have to move forward, I have to stay in the past, you have to leave me behind." Erica's face scrunched up and she shook her head. "I always thought of it as a lesson I was supposed to learn but I never could do it, I never could let go of him, of the time, of anything. I've obsessed about it for all of these years."

Miracle's breath started to grow heavy, the story sending his emotions rolling on high and yet he kept himself from saying anything at the moment.

"I left but I was so upset while I was driving and I wrecked, flipped the car, I was lucky I didn't get seriously hurt but of all the people to find me, it was your Father that found me and from there we fell in love, got married, you were born and it was paradise. Maybe I was a rebound but I didn't care. I had the family I always wanted, I had him and I had you. I had my house on the beach, away from everything, all the privacy in the world with two good roommates to hang out with. We had parties, every day was like a celebration of just being happy and the nearest town was a small town, it was all just peace and happiness."

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