Another Goodbye

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"I can't believe no one told me about this." Kyah stared at the dead bodies.

"Oh sure, think of yourself. I'm the one that's going to go down for this!" Ryder reached over and yanked at Kyah's hair.

"Ow! What was that for?!" She looked over at Ryder.

"Putting some of your DNA in the room. You want to be in it so bad." Ryder held up the few strands of hair and went to drop them in Kyler's hand.

"Stop!" Miracle grabbed Ryders wrist. "If you do that, it'll ruin it! I am telling you, the plan me and Jaemin came up with can still long as it's not fucked up anymore."

"The plan?" Jaemin looked at Miracle and then sat at the table beside Tristan who had been quiet since he had gotten there with the other two.

"My phone has a record where I called Jordan. Now I can still make out like me and him were hooking up. Just like we talked about doing in Georgia...except this time no Hilton and no balcony." Miracle stared at the bodies helplessly. "Just...a hammer instead." He slowly shrugged. "Kyler followed Jordan, busted in, knocked him with the hammer, tried to get me and I had to smash his face, Jaemin, you got here just in time to see my self defense, I freaked out, we called our friends for my own emotional support..."

"That's a stretch..." Tristan looked at Miracle. "If you're going to try to pull that, might want to at least mess the room up a little more if you want to pull off the struggle over the hammer effect."

"And better you didn't call your friends..." Kyah looked up. "Better we leave and you call the cops." Kyah rubbed her head from where Ryder yanked at her hair.

"To late for that, your car is outside and people, or at least the hotel person, could of seen you pull in." Jaemin shook his head.

"Okay, the more we worry over it, the more we wait, it's going to look like we're planning something. We're just going to have to go with it. Flip the table over, knock things around, just mess the room up." Miracle grabbed his cell phone out of his pocket.

"Don't get mad..." Tristan looked at Jaemin. "I hate the idea...but if we beat him up a little...might really help."

"The fuck?" Jaemin looked at Tristan.

"'s brilliant." Miracle said. "I mean...who the hell would ever think of it? Kind of twisted in a way.." He slowly nodded. "Who would really go that far to cover up a murder when they already seemingly have good enough evidence, a phone call to prove a meeting, a witness to back up their self defense story...Kyler was attacked from the front, it kind of was really self defense in a way and Jordan was attacked from behind, it all lines up. So who would think of even going that far?"

Jaemin shook his head. "I don't think it's a good idea. You know what they say about people that try to hard. Lets just keep it simple."

"He's got a point, people that try to hard always blow it." Kyah slowly shook her head. "Like over acting in a drama come out like a bad soap star."

"Fine, we can't waste time debating it, mess up the room." Miracle said.

Ryder looked around and patted Tristan's shoulder. "Get up."

Tristan stood up and then shoved the chair over and then he grabbed the table.

"To much." Ryder shook his head.

"What about the other chair?" Tristan asked.

"Symmetry? That's a little OCD." Kyah said.

Jaemin stood up and shoved the ash tray off the table and let it spill onto the floor in a mess. "That fits, subtle..."

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