Bobble Head

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"Are you still tired?" Jaemin asked, sitting on the black leather bean bag chair in the corner of Miracle's room.

Miracle laid in bed, staring up at the ceiling. "I don't know. I feel confused, like life froze and now I don't know what to do with it."

Jaemin grinned. "I think that's called boredom."

"Or running out of script." Miracle's head rolled to the side so that he could look at Jaemin. "I've noticed something."

"What is it?" Jaemin asked, fiddling with Miracle's cell phone.

"That I run on a script or at least I have been for a long while." Miracle pushed himself to sit up. "It's like riding on the waves, one event tossled me to the next and now there's no tossling." Miracle paused. "Except for the party..."

"Tossling?" Jaemin grinned. "Funny word."

"Hey, it made sense." Miracle shook his head. "I like it, tossling."

"Well if you like it..." Jaemin sat back. "I'll jump that bridge with you."

Miracle's eyes widened. "Not the time for such a saying."

Jaemin thought about it for a second. "Oh damn, sorry. Well you know what I meant."

"Yeah." Miracle smiled and then looked at the door when it opened.

Hunter looked inside. "Miracle, the police are here."

"The police?" Miracle looked at Hunter oddly and threw the covers off, sitting up. "What do they want?"

"I guess it's about the rape ... maybe?" Hunter shrugged.

"What? Like the school called or something? Because Mom and Dad promised not to dramatize my life right now. If the school called, isn't that against the rules? I mean it's not like murder, it's my choice to tell them, right?" Miracle looked between Hunter and Jaemin.

"Don't look at me, I break rules so I usually don't bother to study them." Jaemin shrugged.

"Kinda don't know myself..." Hunter shrugged again.

"Ugh! Useless!" Miracle got out of bed and stomped his bare feet across the floor, pushing past Hunter to leave the room, leaving the other two to share an odd glance towards each other at Miracle's dramatic exit.

"What do you want?" Miracle asked as he stepped into the living room, seeing the two investigators.

The two investigators both looked at Miracle as he came out, followed by Hunter but Jaemin decided to remain hidden in the bed room. "We wanted to talk..." The first investigator started to speak.

"Nah, duh." Miracle interrupted. "That sucks, I so thought we were like all going to get giggly and go have an orgy!"

"He's in a bad mood today..." Hunter looked between Miracle and the investigators.

"Well, what with everything that's happened and I'm sure whatever their sources are have told them all about it, bro! Obviously they don't know that I nearly ODed, just got home after a two day suicide watch and need my rest." Miracle looked over at the door when it opened and his parents walked in along with a woman he didn't know, at least not at first glance.

"What is going on?" Craig looked at the investigators.

"That backstabbing bitch broke the confidentiality laws!" Miracle burst out in frustration. "I want to press charges on her!"

"Miracle, she was required to give us that information." Ben, the lead investigator explained.

"Like hell she was required. I don't have to tell anyone about the rape if I don't want to, I don't even have to press charges. That's in my hands and she isn't supposed to tell my secret stuff!" Miracle flailed an arm about, getting all worked up over the matter.

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