How To Go On

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Miracle laid in bed in the white padded room, looking up at the florescent light, having been changed into a white tee shirt and grey sweat pants but he still had his locket around his neck and he clinged to it with a single hand, staring off into nothingness, remembering what happened.

"Miracle!" Erica screamed

Miracle closed his eyes and waited, only to feel something hit him. A gasp was drawn in and he landed hard on the ground and looked up and found Jeremy on top of him. He saw the train go by and yet he couldn't say a thing.

"You can't die, not when I just found you." Jeremy whispered and sat up, hugging Miracle close to him. "I'm your father."

Miracle rolled over onto his back and then looked over when the door opened and Aiden walked in.

"Miracle? My god...I heard what happened. Your Mom wanted me to come here for you, I..came with her."

Miracle stared at Aiden. "It's all gone..."

Aiden walked over to the bed and sat down. "I can't even imagine."

"I never thought I could bad. I..don't have words...for it." Miracle whispered in a shaky tone, his eyes still filled with tears.

"You're in shock." Aiden rubbed Miracles shoulder.

"I don't know what to do." Miracle breathed heavily, as if he were on the edge of a panic attack. "He didn't think..."

Aiden took Miracle's hand. "You're going to be okay, the best thing you can do tonight, sleep."

Miracle laid there and didn't say anything else.

Aiden sighed and stood up, moving towards the door just as Jeremy opened it and stepped in. Aiden nodded and walked out, shutting the door behind him.

"Miracle?" Jeremy walked over, a medium sized card board box in his hands as he sat down on the edge of the bed.

He looked at Jeremy, not even knowing where to begin with processing that, he was having a hard time processing anything, his mind was still to shocked.

"I'm sorry I had to throw the big news at you...among all of this." Jeremy opened the box. "Your Mom wanted me to bring this to you." He pulled out a plastic gold colored music box, circular in shape with a pointed top. "It was yours, when you were little."

Miracle looked at the music box and sat up, taking it and he found the switch underneath. He wound it up and sat it on the side table, a little circus theme began to play from the music box as the top half began to rotate and lift, revealing a carousel, the middle of it made of glass panels and there were white lights built in all around it.

Jeremy watched Miracle, waiting to see how he would react to it.

He stared at the music box, watching it play until the carousel began to lower and soon it stopped. He looked down. "So where were you? What's the story?"

Jeremy looked down. "I signed some papers I shouldn't of signed, it was for a job that came up around the end of my three month term, to find out about the job, you had to sign the papers, then by signing the papers, you pretty much got the job, whether you liked it or not. Because...the details were classified."

Miracle stared at him.

"The CIA...and I couldn't get out of it, by the time I knew what I had gotten into, it was to late. Then I was assigned to Eric's case and when your involvement came up, they agreed to let me go, Eric just had to go to prison...or die first." Jeremy explained.

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