If You're Reading This

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Miracle sighed. "Couldn't find my phone, no way to tell the time. I have my appointment and then we have to show up for Kevin's graduation and we might aswell visit Brian while we are here." Miracle sighed, looking up at the numbers in the elevator as they changed.

"I snagged your Dad's watch." Jaemin grinned. "It was Erica's idea." Jaemin lifted his hand to show Miracle the watch around his wrist.

Miracle looked at it. "Those are so unreliable, how do you even know it's set right? I don't even care about any of this. It was Dad and Erica's idea that I see the psychologist, I only care about making it to the graduation on time."

Jaemin shook his head. "Oh right, because I forgot, you're crushing on Kevin, bad." He took a deep breath. "At least come this fall he will be gone. Would be gone much sooner if you'd just go away with me."

Miracle looked at Jaemin. "It just makes more sense to wait until next summer. That is when I graduate, then we are not time limited and then we really don't have to come back if we don't want to."

"Fine, whatever." Jaemin shook his head as they reached their floor, the elevator chimed and the doors slid open, he followed Miracle down the hall and into Brian's room.

"Hey..." Miracle said as he walked over to Brian's bed side. "We figured that...we would come see you. We weren't sure if you had many friends that would." Miracle tensed up, hoping that wouldn't be taken as an insult.

Brian looked at them when they walked in and then he looked at Miracle. "You're right, actually I have no friends. Brad and Melanie were the only ones I had, aside from club encounters that died as quick as they lived."

"Sorry for what Skylar did to you." Miracle said, looking around.

"I deserved it." Brian frowned.

"It's water under the bridge." Miracle said and reached over to take Brian's hand and briefly squeezed it in comfort before letting go. "So much bad stuff has happened since that it doesn't really matter to me anymore."

Brian nodded as he stared at the television. "Well they are going to let me go soon. Then I'll just return to my empty house."

"Empty house..." Miracle spoke softly. "Actually, Jasmine and her Dad need a place to stay, Skylar burnt their house down. If you don't want to be alone, it would be the perfect set up."

Brian thought about it for a moment and then shrugged. "Okay, I don't see what it would hurt. The spare key is above the door, just make sure to tell them that my bed room is off limits, other than that, it's good."

Miracle nodded. "I will." He took a deep breath. "Well, uh...Jaemin can stay and hang out with you, I have an appointment to get to."

Jaemin made a face at Miracle, his eyes going wide, knowing it would be terribly awkward, he didn't even know Brian.

Miracle returned the expression and leaned down towards Jaemin who sat in the chair by the door. "Just figure it out." He tapped Jaemin on the shoulder and walked out of the room.

"Just figure it out." Jaemin mumbled and he looked at Brian who stared right back at him. "Uh...sucks Melanie died...didn't it?" Jaemin then looked down. "Actually, Brian, if you don't mind, I have to go." He stood up and rushed out of the room.

Brian watched Jaemin leave in such a hurry. "No mind in getting rid of awkwardness."

Jaemin rushed to the nurses desk. "Can I use the phone, for just a second?"

Maxine looked up and shook her head. "Go ahead."

"Thanks." Jaemin picked up the phone and dialed Hunter's number and waited for an answer.

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