Club Kid

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Miracle walked into his house, hoping that no one was at home because he really didn't want to deal with anyone. He was exhausted, as usual, after such intense, emotional episodes. He shut the door and sat on the couch before laying down and curling up, his eyes drifting shut.

"Hey." Hunter called out as he walked into the living room. "Aren't you supposed to be in school?"

So much for no one being home. "I got excused for the rest of the day." Miracle covered his face with an arm.

"What for?" Hunter moved over to kneel in front of the couch.

Miracle moved his arm and opened his eyes. "What's with the interrogation?" Hunter was acting weird, with all the questions. It just wasn't normal for him.

"Well...finding out your little brother blackmailed someone, ... makes you want to ask some questions."

Hunter was angry in a way. After all he and their family had been deceived by his little brother. He was more concerned than anything. But right now the anger was showing just a bit more. His voice remained calm yet firm.

Miracle's eyes shifted to the side and he sighed, realizing he had been careless with how he'd thrown the disk onto the computer desk. He hadn't't wanted his brother to see it. In a way he felt completely ashamed of himself.

"You don't understand, I had no choice. Brad was..."

"Brad?" Hunter interrupted him. "I'm talking about Daniel."

"Daniel?" He looked away, shifting around uncomfortably. " looked in the shoe box?" Hunter digging in his room, digging into his personal things, made Miracle feel vulnerable, and never had Hunter made him feel like that before.

"Yeah I did. I saw the disk too. I didn't mess with it, but I saw the video on the computer. I take it that ... was Brad?"

"Hunter, I didn't want you to see that. I...I didn't want you to see any of it."

"What I want to know first before anything else is why did you let Daniel lie about you? I mean ... you had the evidence to put him away. It doesn't make sense."

Miracle looked at Hunter and sighed, shaking his head. "Because its purpose was not to put him away. The purpose of it ... was to keep him with me. When it didn't turn out like that, I decided it was pointless to even bother."

"Did you love him?"

Miracle really gave the question a lot of thought. "He noticed me so I figured ... why not?"

Hunter looked confused and he slowly shook his head. "I don't understand."

Miracle looked at Hunter and leaned forward, placing his hands on his brothers shoulders."Sometimes...I don't even understand." He stood and moved around Hunter.

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