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December 2007

Miracle sat within Sterling's bed room, sitting on the large window sill and he looked over to Sterling who sat on the bed. Sterling's room was one that surprised Miracle. He didn't have any posters of the latest band or anything like that but he had all kinds of cool neon lights that glowed within the room, a few lava lamps and a large fifty five gallon aquarium filled with a lot of small tropical fish.

"I'm sorry. I know I haven't spent a lot of time with you lately. I just...Brad makes me so happy."

Miracle wanted to believe that and he tried to believe it, even going as far as wrapping himself up in the whole delusion that things were going to be perfect. He felt guilty about it because in doing so, he'd started to see Sterling less than usual.

Sterling looked at Miracle and sighed, shaking his head. "It's fine; at least they don't bother me anymore."

Sterling tried to see the bright side of the whole thing but really he hated it. He hated seeing Miracle, his Miracle with a jerk like Brad. He knew Miracle didn't belong to him but the boy had come into his life, he had befriended him and as time wore on, he grew protective over his friend. Sterling was slowly changing, becoming more confident, a little bolder, all for the sake of protecting Miracle whenever he needed it.

"I know! It's awesome! Brad is so sweet. Oh! And guess what? He wants me to be the water boy so that we can be together when he goes to football practice!"

"Have you even really thought of any of this?"

Miracle's smile slowly faded, a look of confusion taking over. "What are you talking about?" he frowned, discouraged by such a pessimistic but reasonable question.

"Come on...we're talking about Brad here. Are you two even public?"

"" Miracle looked down, shaking his head. "He just...well he just isn't ready yet."

Miracle was in denial. He was so sick and tired of the pattern continuing, of things always turning out the same. He hated it so much that he went out of his way to convince himself that things would be different this time, that Brad would be different. Despite the fact that Brad didn't treat him like a person that he cared for.

"That or you're just his dirty little secret."

Sterling believed that to be the truth and he wasn't afraid to tell Miracle such a thing. Though partially he was hoping that Miracle would forget about Brad, for the sake of his friend and for the sake of himself. He knew it was at least half selfish but he couldn't help how he felt for Miracle.

"You don't know what you're talking about. You don't even know Brad." He pushed himself to stand up.

"Have you even thought about what it's like to be in his shoes? He's the captain of the football team. He gets noticed a lot more than either of us do. Him being open? It holds far more consequences for him." Miracle spoke in Brad's defense.

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