Go Face Scary

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Laquisha walked by Ben's desk and dropped a bag with a flash drive in it. "Looks like you don't have to talk to David at all and we're expecting something in the mail. I don't know who anonymous is but I already watched it, I know it's a man, distorted voice, but a deep one. I already watched it, he says he's not a cop but works with a higher affiliation and is doing all of this covertly."

Ben looked at the bag and then he looked up at Laquisha. "Higher affiliation? I doubt FBI, I don't think they would work like that."

Laquisha put a hand on her hip. "Maybe the governments behind it now, that, or it's a vigilante. For whatever reason, they choose to feed us the evidence so that we can go forward with it."

"Maybe they want to stay covert?" Ben took the bag and pulled the flash drive out. "I'm going to watch this." He waved at Laquisha. "Go buzz, fly."

Laquisha laughed. "You just mad that I'm a better investigator than you." Laquisha walked off.

"Yeah? Then thinking the government is behind it is way off base if they feed the evidence to us! How's that for investigating?!" Ben grinned and plugged the flash drive into his computer.

"Oh and there's a note too! I'm going to let you go face scary on your own!" Laquisha laughed.

Ben pulled out the note and unfolded it and there was a typed message. "Go talk to Miracle." He grinned. "Ha...signed Anonymous." He looked up at the computer. "How cute." He said, grabbing his head phones and he put them on as the video started.

"Um, okay guys, I'm going to go...uh, grocery shopping for movie night!" Jaemin smiled, walking towards the door.

Miracle laid across the couch and looked at Jaemin. "Movie night?" He then looked at Issac. "Since when do we have movie night?"

"Since Issac's sister is a shut in, only comes out to leave to go see Hunter, our friend count has dwindled to none and school is no more." Jaemin nodded.

"We might have a friend if we went and took care of Ashley." Miracle frowned. "And why the fuck didn't Kevin come home and visit? Is he that mad at me?"

"Well, you did put his life in danger, after peacefully sending him sailing off into the sunset." Jaemin thought about it. "I can only imagine a beautiful scene in my head."

"And if he was smart at all, coming home would have been the best thing to do, how crazy would it be to come home, right where the core of the danger is? Eric wouldn't think he'd be stupid enough to do that, actually making it a smart idea." Miracle looked up.

Issac cleared his throat. "Well, he's not here and we need something to do."

Miracle heard a knock on the door. "Well there's something. When you're bored, opportunity just knocks, isn't that cool?" He grinned and got up, walking to the door and opened it, only to see Ben standing there. "Well, well, well...look who it is. Did the goose bumps finally go away?" Miracle laughed.

Ben grinned. "There were no goose bumps, just a highly annoying kid. Can I come in?"

Jaemin started to step forward but Miracle placed a hand on his chest to stop him. He laughed at Ben. "Why not? Maybe I can throw another confession at you." Miracle turned around and walked inside. "Oh and that's Issac."

Ben walked in and looked at Jaemin and then Issac. "So, first of all, are you Anonymous?"

Miracle grinned and turned around. "If Anonymous wanted you to know, I'm sure they wouldn't be Anonymous. Why?"

"Well, who ever this Anonymous is, they have been feeding us evidence." Ben said.

Miracle laughed. "You have to be fed evidence? Really?!"

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