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Tara opened the door to the guidance counselors office and walked in with Miracle right behind her. She grinned and sat down in one of the chairs beside Miracle.

"Okay, we're friends. Am I valedictorian now?" Tara asked.

Sally looked between the two. "Did you write the papers?"

"Oh come on, lady. We know your real goal. Did we really need them?" Tara asked.

Sally smiled at Tara and pulled out a certificate and looked at Miracle. "And you?"

"We cooked a cake together, I have to say that Tara is quite the cake decorator." Miracle said.

"My Aunt is a chef, she taught me how. We made a white flag cake, throwing our white flags up." Tara's smile faded. "We presented it to Aiden in celebration. However Miss Alexander, I have to say that when we did, something really bad happened."

Sally looked between them concerned. "What is it?"

"Miracle..." Tara looked at him, not feeling it was her place.

"Has Linda told you anything about me?" Miracle asked.

"Like what?" Sally looked at him.

"Like...about David?" Miracle asked.

"Linda keeps her work confidential. A guidance counselor is low on the psychology food chain, she hardly thought I would need to know a lot." Sally frowned. "Why?"

"David was my first adoptive..taker." Miracle said. "He..abused me." Miracle looked up at Sally. "In uh..really bad ways and...really messed my mind up."

Sally nodded. "I'm listening."

"That's why Linda sent me to Australia, to face him. He...made this quote. Well, we went to present the cake to Aiden, me and Tara did. Aiden was in a really horrible mood and Aiden said part of the quote. There was no way he would of known it unless Jaemin told him and Jaemin wouldn't do that. Aiden said his Dad sent him a picture...from the day he was born. On the back of it was part of the quote. I told him it was not the whole quote. His Dad is named David too." Miracle said.

Sally listened and remained quiet for several moments but the pieces came together quite quickly. "Oh my god." She sat back in her chair. "So Aiden's Dad adopted you."

"Not really adopted, more like bought me from...well, dirty business." Miracle said.

Tara looked at Miracle, surprised.

Sally looked up at Miracle. "David was a strange man, really quiet. My sister met him in college, she liked that he was quiet. Naturally she was majoring in psychology so she was attracted to learning about him. He always said he was just shy and she told me that he wanted to make his Mom proud. They married after college, bought a house. She always said he was like a teenager that stayed in his room all the time. They had a guest room and he often used it like a second bed room in a way, never slept in it but he spent time in there, personalized it, made it his own."

"So what happened?" Miracle asked.

"Well first Jennifer was born and he tried to act like the typical happy husband and new Father but anyone with a good eye could see the actor that he was. He was quite upset that his room became Jennifers. That's when it all went to the garage, everything was transferred there. Linda always talked about how she wanted to find out what he was doing but she would never go behind anyones back or spy on them, it just wasn't her nature. She would see what was presented to her and learn from that." Sally explained.

"And?" Miracle asked, wanting to hear more.

"Well then she became pregnant with Aiden, which was a surprise because David barely ever showed interest in her, he hardly did before Jennifer was born. So then they had to move to where she lived now because it had an extra bed room. Of course no garage this time, he had no choice but to keep his computer in the living room. That's when Linda noticed that he flipped the monitor off everytime she came into the room. She'd question and he would always say that he wrote stories and they were private to him and he would be embarrassed if anyone ever saw. Then he went to flipping the button on the surge protector with his toe and saying it was an accident or claiming something was wrong with the outlet." Sally shook her head.

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